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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Distance Education

41 records
Title A review of the California 1999 - 2001 Innovation Program initiative Date 2001 Abstract This report is a working paper that provides an overview of the data from the 1999-2000 program year regarding how adult scho...
Title Adult education in non-classroom settings; a pilot test in Pennsylvania, Phase II: October 2001-June 2002 [executive summary] Date 2002 Abstract This paper summarizes the second year of an experiment in Pennsylvania that used Workplace Essential Skills (WES) with adult ...
Title Assessment and accountability issues in distance education for adult learners Date 2002 Abstract Key issues states face include determining how to track, assess, and report on distance learners using state and national acc...
Title Blending face-to-face and distance learning methods in adult and career-technical education Date 2002 Abstract This brief reviews the literature on combining traditional classroom instruction with distance learning via information and c...
Title Building a blended learning program: models and best practices Date 2007 Abstract This working paper describes the distance learning blended model as practiced in California adult school innovation programs ...
Title California 5% initiative - a review Date 2001 Abstract This report summarizes data collected during the 1999-2000 school year on over 16,000 learners enrolled in 60 California adul...
Title California Adult Education 2000 - 2002 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program Date 2002 Abstract This report is the second of a series of annual working papers and summarizes data collected during the 2000-2001 school year...
Title California Adult Education 2001 - 2003 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date 2003 Abstract This report is the third in a series of annual working papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional Deli...
Title California Adult Education 2002 - 2004 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date 2004 Abstract This report is the fourth in a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional De...
Title California Adult Education 2003-2005 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date 2005 Abstract This report is the fifth of a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional Del...
Title California Adult Education 2004-2006 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date 2006 Abstract This report is the latest of a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional De...
Title California Adult Education 2005-2007 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date 2007 Abstract This report is the latest of a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional De...
Title California Adult Education 2007-2008 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date 2010 Abstract This report is the eighth of a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional De...
Title California Adult Education 2008-2009 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date 2010 Abstract This report is the latest in a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional De...
Title California Adult Education 2009-2010 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date December 6, 2011 Abstract This report is the latest in a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional De...
Title California Adult Education 2010-2011 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date [2012] Abstract This report is part of a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery...
Title California Adult Education 2011-2012 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date [2013] Abstract This report is the eleventh of a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional ...
Title California Adult Education 2012-2013 Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program, a review Date [2014] Abstract This report is the twelfth of a series of annual research papers on the California Innovation and Alternative Instructional D...
Title California distance learning summit Date 1990 Abstract The California Distance Learning Summit was held May 10 and 11, 1990 at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. The...
Title Case studies of the implementation of the Crossroads Café project; literature review concerning issues in adult ESL and distance learning Date 1997 Abstract This literature review includes background on adult ESL learners and instruction, characteristics of distance learning and le...
Title Closed captioned television for adult LEP literacy learners Date 1990 Abstract The digest details the uses of closed captioned television for adult LEP literacy learners. Also included are information ab...
Title Collaborating on curriculum, teaching practices, and distance education Date 1994 Abstract This paper states the need for and eight challenges involved in planning the use of distance education to disseminate exempla...
Title Crossroads Cafe in the first year: a California user satisfaction survey Date 1998 Abstract This is a report of a postcard survey of users of the Crossroad Cafe instructional video series. While the series is being u...
Title Distance Education Date 1997 Abstract This ""trends and issues alert" summarizes the new trends and issues affiliated with distance education. Print resources an...
Title Distance education and e-learning: new options for adult basic and English language education Date May 2006 Abstract This digest describes ways that electronic learning (e-learning) is used in distance education and provides recommendations f...
Title Distance education resources Date [1992] Abstract Listed are federal funding sources, information sources, and publications on the topic of distance education technologies.
Title Distance learning for California schools: task force recommendations Date 1990 Abstract This report of the Distance Learning Task Force of the California Technology Project details California public school needs r...
Title Distance learning for the adult learner: improving persistence and effectiveness, a working paper: Fall 2006 Date 2006 Abstract This working paper addresses research data on the relationship between distance learning as an instructional strategy and adu...
Title Distance learning, the Internet, and the World Wide Web Date 1996 Abstract This digest focuses on some of the newest methods of distance learning (DL) using the Internet and the Web. It highlights so...
Title Equity through access and distance education Date 1994 Abstract This paper states the trends and challenges in advancing exemplary distance education as an effective tool for promoting equi...
Title Evaluation of evidence-based practices in online learning; a meta-analysis and review of online learning studies Date 2009 Abstract This meta-analysis of over a thousand empirical studies of online learning found that on average, students in online learning...
Title Evaluation of promising practices Date 1994 Abstract This paper states the trends and challenges in measuring the impact and outcome of distance education.
Title Getting online, the GO Project: a research report on online learning for Canadian Literacy Practitioners Date October 2008 Abstract This report presents the findings of research into the use of online learning technologies both by Canadian literacy practiti...
Title How states are implementing distance education for adult learners Date 2000 Abstract This update explains policy issues involved in offering distance education for adult learners, reviews the current status of ...
Title Investigating the language and literacy skills required for independent online learning Date October 2008 Abstract This report was undertaken to investigate the thresh hold levels of literacy and language proficiency necessary for adult lea...
Title Legislation and funding for distance education Date 1994 Abstract This paper states the trends and challenges in legislation and funding for distance education.
Title National standards for quality online teaching Date 2007 Abstract These standards are designed to provide a set of quality guidelines for online teaching and instructional design. Thirteen st...
Title Some distance education applications Date 1993 Abstract This paper summarizes the characteristics of distance education, factors to keep in mind when planning, and the costs of dist...
Title Television and adult literacy: potential for access to learning for an unserved population Date 1992 Abstract This report explores the current and potential use of television and video as the centerpiece of a broad-based strategy to ad...
Title Video-based distance education for adult English language learners Date 2003 Abstract This Q & A identifies the advantages and challenges with using video-based distance education for adult English language lear...
Title Virtual learning; the good, the bad, and the ugly Date 2000 Abstract This alert outlines some issues related to the new virtual universities catering to the working adults. Extensive references...
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.