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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

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Learn More About OTAN Curriculum Offers

As a part of our service to the adult education field, OTAN works to negotiate the best free or reduced-cost special offers for online curriculum licenses and professional development resources suggested by our OTAN Advisory Committee and adult educators in the field. See our current offers on our Curriculum Offers webpage.

Free Digital Navigator Training Now Available

One of the recent digital equity developments to take place, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, is the rise of digital navigators in communities around the US. According to NDIA (the National Digital Inclusion Alliance), “Digital navigators are trusted guides who assist community members with ongoing, individualized support for accessing affordable and appropriate connectivity, devices, and digital skills.”

Upcoming OTAN Activities - Week of September 30

October 1 TDLS (Technology Digital Learning Symposium) Presenter Proposals Open! October 7-11 | Digital Inclusion Week

Upcoming OTAN Activities - Week of September 23

October 7-11 | Digital Inclusion Week September Digest

Helping Students Set Goals in 5 Easy Steps

For many of us, the beginning of the new school year translates to goal setting with our students and staff. Have you ever been expected to write goals and never been asked to revisit them? This article spells out how to incorporate goals which are used daily with the start of a lesson. These “micro-goals” connect with the learning objective, make learning more relevant, deep and engaging.

Students Need Digital Skills for Class. Here are Four Ways to Help Them Prepare

Ensure access to technology. This means access to devices and connectivity so the student can study and practice at any time. Ensure the intake process of each student includes questions about access to technology.

Upcoming OTAN Activities - Week of September 16

September 15 to September 21 Constitution and Citizenship Week Resources Adult Education and Family Literacy Week Resources

A New Approach to Digital Equity: A Framework for States and Schools

The Digital Equity Framework offers a comprehensive approach for school and system leaders to not only transform current educational practices but also ensure their schools are prepared for future technological advancements. This framework consists of five interconnected domains, each playing a crucial role in fostering digital equity.

Closing California's Digital Skill Divide

The massive investments “made through the bipartisan infrastructure law will send billions of dollars to states ... for the next five years.”

AI Integration Framework

Interesting to explore is Workforce EdTech’s AI Integration Framework and corresponding template all in one place. . It’s designed to “serve as a guide for integrating the use of AI in education and training settings with diverse adult learners and workers.”

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.