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Upcoming OTAN Activities - Week of March 24

Posted on 03/24/2025

tech trends survey QR code

OTAN is updating the CA Adult Education Digital Learning Guidance (DLG) and need adult educators, workforce partners, & admin. input. Short survey!

Deadline March 30 ️New Updated Survey Link

April 7-8 | Legislative Advocacy Day!

May 9, 8:00-4:30 pm | OTAN Canvas Regional Summit | In partnership with CAERC at Sacramento County Office of Education.

highschool equivalency banner

Registration Open for 2025 High School Equivalency and Proficiency Summer Convenings! CDE invites chief examiners, test site admin, school counselors and others with a connection to high school equivalency (HSE) and Proficiency exams to an in-person location near your region.

OTAN Digest - March 2025

This Week’s Upcoming Activities

Tuesday, March 25, 11:30-12:30 pm | Create a Course Teacher Hub Template Workgroup 2 | This session offers an opportunity to review your progress, share experiences, and address any questions about using or adapting the template. Collaborate with peers and refine your approach to maximize its effectiveness.

Tuesday, March 25, 11:30-12:30 pm | Canvas Lucid and Lucid Spark | Lucid creates mind maps and is a free opt in feature of Canvas. Join this 90-minute session to enable your new Lucid account. Once you activate your account, we will explore all of the features LucidChart and LucidSpark have to offer. Create external tool assignments through Lucid for a more dynamic student experience with graphic organizers.

Wednesday, March 26, 1-2:30 pm | Canvas e-Portfolios for CTE | This 90-minute session will focus on the Canvas ePortfolios feature that is native to the Canvas environment. This does need to be enabled by admins. This feature helps Teachers and Students create a collection of documents from educational projects, submissions, experiences, and other work products.

Thursday, March 27, 1-2:30 pm | Canvas Khanmigo Teacher Tools | This 90-minute session will introduce how to enable the new Khanmigo Teacher Tools. This is an app that must be added. Once added, we will showcase how to access your free account and explore the teacher tools dashboard.

Thursday, March 27, 3-4:00 pm | Northstar Digital Literacy User Group with Anthony Burik, OTAN Coordinator | Join this user-driven group of adult educators using Northstar Digital Literacy at their agencies.

Coming Soon!

Monday, March 31, 2-3:00 pm | Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Office Hours with Jaemi Naish, OTAN SME | The CIP Office Hours are being made available for California Adult Education agencies that want specific guidance or feedback on their CIP goal(s) before submission.

Thursday, April 3, 1-2:30 pm | Canvas Studio Updates | Check out new updates in Canvas Studio!

Monday, April 7, 12-1:00 pm | Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Office Hours | The CIP Office Hours are being made available for California Adult Education agencies that want specific guidance or feedback on their CIP goal(s) before submission.

Monday, April 7, 2-3:30 pm | Canvas Discussions | Discussion have been upgraded with some translation features. Don’t miss.

Tuesday, April 8, 11:30 –12:30 pm | Personalizing Canvas for Adult Learners with Dana Thompson, OTAN SME | This session explores creating self-paced courses using modules, guiding learners through content effectively, and applying andragogy principles to design engaging, learner-focused online content.

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New Website Orientation
COVID-19 Field Support
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CDE Adult Ed. Website
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.