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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

English (Second Language)

50 records
Title Date Abstract
Adolescent learners in adult ESL classes October, 2005 This brief explains some of the reasons why adolescents attend adult ESL classes and describes the characteristics of adult l...
Adult education for limited English proficient adults 1999 This fact sheet gives the background, purpose, and services, of the federal program of adult education for limited English pr...
Adult English as a second language programs: an overview of policies, participants and practices 1996 This research report provides an overview of the issues central to federally supported adult ESL programs in the United State...
Adult ESL learner assessment: purposes and tools 1995 The digest looks at learner assessment in adult ESL programs. It describes commercially available tests and alternative asse...
Adult ESL literacy programs and practices, a report on a national research study; technical report, executive summary 1992 This is the executive summary of the technical report of the two year National English Literacy Demonstration Program for Adu...
Adult ESL literacy: findings from a national study 1993 This is a summary of findings of the two year National English Literacy Demonstration Program for Adults of LImited English P...
Adult ESL teaching profession 1997 This Digest examines the emerging profession of teaching ESL to adults who live and work in the United States. It offers sug...
Alternative assessment and second language study: what and why? 1994 This digest looks at alternative assessment, authentic assessment, portfolio assessment, and the implications of their use in...
Approaches to teaching literacy to LEP Adults 1989 Contains twelve references on the subject of approaches to teaching literacy to LEP adults.
Best practices in integrating technology into adult ESL instruction: a literature search 2002 The paper summarizes current and best practice in the integration of technology into English as a second language (ESL) instr...
Brain research: implications for second language learning 2000 This digest discusses research on brain development and its implications for adult ESL teachers. References are included.
Bridges to academic writing [1990?] The curriculum addresses the need of adult LEP students who have completed the upper levels of a survival ESL program and who...
Children's literature for adult ESL literacy 1992 The digest describes the successful uses of children's literature with adult ESL programs, including the new use in family li...
Collaboration in adult ESL and family literacy education 1994 The digest discusses learning disabilities and adult ESL learners and addresses assessment, instructional methods and teacher...
Content-based language instruction 1990 Eight annotated references on the subject of content-based language instruction.
Creating a professional workforce in adult ESL literacy 1994 This digest explores the issue of professionalism in adult ESL literacy. It describes the current conditions of the ESL work...
Critical literacy for adult English language learners 1999 The digest examines what critical literacy means and why it is important to include in instruction for adult learning English...
Cross-cultural issues in adult ESL literacy classrooms 1993 This digest identifies some of the cultural factors that can influence learner and teacher behavior during classroom ESL lite...
Current concepts and terms in adult ESL 1998 The article presents a selection of terms and concepts in the field of teaching adult English as a second language (ESL). In...
Current terms in adult ESL literacy 1993 This digest defines the following concepts and discusses their application to adult learning in ESL literacy program: whole ...
Dialogue journals: interactive writing to develop language and literacy 1993 A dialog journal is a written conversation in which a student and teacher communicate regularly. This digest explores the be...
English language learning; diverse federal and state efforts to support adult English language learning could benefit from more coordination July 2009 This report details a GAO examination of the federal support for adult English language programs. GAO analyzed Census and enr...
English literacy and language minorities in the United States 2001 This report looks at adult residents of the U.S. who spoke another language as children. It explores the fluency and literac...
ESL instruction for learning disabled adults 1994 The digest discusses learning disabilities and adult ESL learners and addresses assessment, instructional methods and teacher...
ESL instruction in adult education: findings from a national evaluation 1995 This Digest summarizes findings of the National Evaluation of Adult Education Programs (NEAEP) that are pertinent to English ...
ESL open entry management tips 1994 This compilation of tips from ESL teachers and instructional assistants should be very useful to those embarking on an open e...
ESOL best practices: exemplary programs that provide English to speakers of other languages September 19, 2006 This report is a compilation of ESL and EL Civics 'best practices' from programs across the United States, collected by NCSDA...
Grammar and its teaching: challenging the myths 1997 This digest challenges ten myths about grammar which lead communicative and proficiency-based teaching approaches to unduly l...
Growing old in America: learning English literacy in the later years 1993 This digest argues that it is both feasible and appropriate to provide language and literacy instruction for older immigrants...
Guidelines for ELT programs 1988 The handbook summarizes the experience of leaders in language teaching in the United States. Included are needs assessment, ...
How should adult ESL reading instruction differ from ABE reading instruction? 2005 This brief examines the usefulness of suggestions for teaching reading to adult English speakers in relationship to English l...
Improving adult English language learners' speaking skills 1999 This digest describes what speaking involves and what good speakers do in the process of expressing themselves. It also prese...
Improving adult ESL learners' pronunciation skills 1998 This Digest reviews the current status of pronunciation instruction in adult ESL classes. It provides an overview of the fac...
Improving adult ESL learners' speaking skills 1999 This Digest describes what speaking involves and what good speakers do in the process of expressing themselves. It also pres...
Improving ESL learners' writing skills 1997 This Digest suggests general approaches to writing and specific activities that can make writing easier and more enjoyable fo...
Innovative programs and promising practices in adult ESL literacy 1993 The digest describes some of the promising practices in the ESL literacy field that were observed at the sites visited by res...
Instructional impact on adults enrolled in English as a second language classes with respect to employment, excerpts 1989 Excerpts from an unpublished doctoral dissertation which studied the instructional impact on adults enrolled in English as a ...
Integrating reading and writing into adult ESL instruction 1993 The digest describes some of the major reading and writing practices currently in use in adult ESL programs.
Language and literacy education for Southeast Asian refugees 1993 This digest describes some of the efforts to meet the language and literacy education needs of Southeast Asian refugees in th...
Less teaching and more learning 1999 Teacher of adult English as a second language describes how a change in techniques from traditional grammar-based curriculum ...
Linguistic diversity in the United States: English Plus and official English 1993 The digest sketches the history in the United States of allowing its citizens linguistic and cultural freedom versus the recu...
Listening to students' voices: educational materials written by and for LEP adult literacy learners 1989 Across the United States, literacy and general education programs for adults learning English are discovering the power of le...
Look at program components and innovative practices in adult ESL literacy 1990 The paper describes characteristics of ESL literacy programs, summarizes research into program strengths and innovative pract...
Managing programs for adults learning English September 2009 This brief is written for program administrators to provide information and strategies that will promote their success with m...
More than just the Internet: technology for language teaching 1997 This digest describes non-Internet technology tools which remain very useful aids for the language student and teacher. Incl...
Multiple intelligences: theory and practice in adult ESL 1999 This digest outlines the basic tenets of the theory of multiple intelligences (MI) and describes how it has been applied in t...
Myths about language diversity and literacy in the United States 1997 This Digest examines four myths which surround discussions of language diversity and literacy in the United States. Referenc...
Needs assessment for adult ESL learners 1997 This Digest focuses on ways to determine what adult ESL learners want or believe they need to learn. Many of the activities ...
Numeracy in the Adult ESL Classroom 1996 The digest examines numeracy for adults learning English as a second language (ESL) as well as for those who teach them. It ...
Outreach and retention in adult ESL literacy programs 1995 This Digest discusses outreach methods; it examines learners' reasons for enrolling in ESL classes and for leaving the classe...
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.