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Instructional impact on adults enrolled in English as a second language classes with respect to employment, excerpts

Publisher: Los Angeles Unified School District

Published At: Los Angeles, CA

Date Published: 1989

Distributor: Robert Dayle McIntire, Coordinator, Adult Education Services, Third Street Annex, Division of Adult and Occupational Education, Los Angeles Unified School District

Source Address: 1320 West Third Street

Source City/State/Zip: Los Angeles CA 90017

Phone: 212-625-6642

Material Type: Information Analysis

Intended Audience: General

Physical Media: Print

Subjects: English (Second Language); Adult Students; Employment Level; Employment Counselors

Excerpts from an unpublished doctoral dissertation which studied the instructional impact on adults enrolled in English as a second language classes with respect to employment. Included are the statement of the problem, the method of study, findings, summary and conclusions.

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