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Educational Research

18 records
Title Date Abstract
Vocational education research trends 2000 This alert examines how educational research seeks to answer the question of how we can best prepare youth and adults for the...
The Northwest Practitioner Knowledge Institute: reports and resources May 2006 This brief provides an overview of the collaboration of the California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPR...
Technical report and data file users manual for the 2003 national adult literacy survey July 2009 The 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) assessed the English literacy skills of a nationally representative sam...
Teaching style vs. learning style 2003 This paper examines research regarding the behaviors (teaching and learning styles) that teachers and learners exhibit in the...
Research-based principles for adult basic education reading instruction 2002 This report makes suggestions for basic reading instruction with adults based on an evaluation of research. Main sections in...
Research utilization in the field of adult learning and literacy: lessons learned by NCSALL about connecting practice, policy and research August 2007 This Occasional Paper is a summary of what the staff of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCS...
Research on participatory approaches to adult basic and literacy education 2005 This annotated bibliography highlights readings that define participatory education and the methods for putting this theory i...
Reading and adult English language learners: the role of the first language 2003 This Q & A discusses the small body of research that currently exists about reading development among adult English language ...
Qualitative research in adult, career, and career-technical education 2002 This publication introduces qualitative research. It discusses differences between qualitative and quantitative research and...
Program administrators' sourcebook: a resource on NCSALL's research for adult education program administrators December 2005 The National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) has conducted research relevant to the challenges o...
Practitioners speak: contributing to a research agenda for adult basic education 1998 This report summarizes the results of nine focus groups of adult educators who met to discuss questions related to issues whi...
Outcomes and impacts of adult literacy education in the United States. Appendix A: abstracts of studies reviewed 1999 This document is an annotated bibliography accompanying the research summary,ER0006, i.d.#2910. The study investigated the o...
Outcomes and impacts of adult literacy education in the United States 1999 This is a report of a study on the outcomes and impacts of adult literacy education through a qualitative assessment of the o...
Making it worth the stay: findings from the New England Adult Learner Persistence Project 2009 This project details persistence strategies and learner outcomes from 18 adult education programs in five New England States....
Establishing an evidence-based adult education system 2003 The paper describes an approach to evidence-based adult education and proposes a way to establish an evidence-based adult edu...
Applying research findings to instruction for adult English language students August 2005 For educators that are not experienced in using research findings to guide instruction, more information about how research c...
Applying adult learning theory: self-directed learning and transformational learning in the classroom 2005 This brief describes implications of research on self-directed learning and transformative learning as applied to experiences...
Adult learning in focus: national and state-by-state data 2008 This is a report on adult participation in education in the United States. It identifies participation rates in higher educat...
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.