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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Adult Education

50 records
Title Date Abstract
Action learning for individual and organizational development 1998 Action learning is a continuous process of learning and reflection, bringing people together to solve problems. The brief pr...
Adult civic education 1992 This ERIC Digest highlights the significance of adult civic education in a democracy and examines the substance of adult civi...
Adult classroom environment: the role of the instructor 1991 The brief examines some recent research on the kind of classroom environment desired by adults and describes implications for...
Adult development: what do teachers of adults need to know? 1988 The publication outlines eight adult development models based on the theories of Maslow, Rogers, Kohlberg, Nelson, Erickson, ...
Adult education and postsecondary success Sept 4, 2007 This is a policy brief developed for the August 20, 2007 meeting of the National Commission on Adult Literacy. "It examines G...
Adult education in California: strategic planning process needs assessment November 2009 This report details the results of a needs assessment of adult education in California, performed in January 2009 by WestEd f...
Adult education programs and services: a view from nine programs 1990 This report summarizes a descriptive review of the operations and services of nine adult education programs that receive Fede...
Adult education: social change or status quo? 1996 This digest examines the debate over the mission of adult education: is it to transform individuals or society? It looks at...
Adult learner retention revisited 1994 This digest provides an updated look at research on retention in adult education in both adult basic education and higher edu...
Adult learning in groups 1997 The brief provides information that can be used in developing adult learning groups in formal educational settings. Included...
Adult students: recruitment and retention 2001 This brief examines reviews recent research related to adult student recruitment and retention and provides guidelines for re...
Andragogy revisited: theory for the 21st century? 2002 This publication examines the viability in the 21st century of Malcolm Knowles' theory of andragogy by considering its backgr...
Beyond 2000; future directions for adult education 1999 The paper provides adult educators with information that they can use to produce perspectives for the future of adult educati...
Challenges in assessing for postsecondary readiness De 14, 2007 This policy brief examines the major assessments in use today to measure adult learning gains and determine student placement...
Change: connections to adult learning and education 2000 This digest explores the question of how adult learning and education can cultivate change with individuals and groups. Refe...
Collaborative learning in adult education 1991 The digest provides an overview of collaborative learning and describes how the process of collaborative learning can become ...
Contextual learning in adult education 2000 This brief examines the use in adult education of contextual learning, an offshoot of the constructivist approach to teaching...
Continuing education: market driven or learner centered? 1996 This publication looks at the controversy of whether continuing education programs should be market driven or learner centere...
Dare to dream, a collection of papers from a resource group of 102 education and literacy professionals May 21, 2007 Presented at their April 2007 meeting, this collection of papers was developed to inform the thinking of the National Commiss...
Directory of federal funding sources for adult education March 2009 This directory of federal funding sources describes 49 programs from ten agencies that authorize expenditures for adult basic...
Effects of learning in adult, career, and career-technical education 2003 This Alert examines some of the trends and issues associated with the role of emotion in learning in adult, career, and caree...
ERIC and the Adult Education Act: 25 Years of Collaboration 1991 The digest describes highlights the 25-year collaboration between the Adult Education Act (AEA) and the ERIC system. It begi...
Ethical practice in adult education 1991 This ERIC Digest describes some of the ethical dilemmas that are inherent in the education of adults and provides ideas that ...
Federal adult education: a legislative history 1964-2013 2013 This “American heritage” history traces the federal involvement in adult education in order to place federal adult education ...
Fiscal consequences of adult educational attainment December 14, 2007 This policy brief prepared for the National Commission on Adult Literacy examines the earnings of adults according to their l...
Forces changing our nation's future June 18, 2007 This is a report of one of the presentations made at the April 2007 meeting of the National Commission on Adult Literacy. A m...
Guidelines for working with adult learners 1988 The digest provides guidelines to consider when developing educational programs for adults in any setting. It focuses on the...
History of the Adult Education Act: an overview 1991 This document summaries the twenty-seven year history of the Adult Education Act to 1991.
How do you teach content in adult education? an annotated bibliography October 2006 In this document, the authors provide sources of research and professional wisdom that are useful to the design of evidence-b...
How emancipatory is adult learning? 1999 This publication investigates to what extent adult education actually fulfills an emancipatory mission by examining beliefs a...
In a time of scarce resources: near term priorities in adult education July 25, 2012 This report presents the results of a survey project in which over two dozen adult education and literacy leaders responded t...
Inclusive adult learning environments 1995 The Digest describes what it means to create an inclusive learning environment, examines some related issues, and presents so...
Informal adult learning and the Internet 2003 This Alert examines issues related to the Internet and its role in informal adult learning. References are given.
Is it working? Self help guide for evaluating vocational and adult education programs 1995 The guide presents a framework for use by adult and vocational programs to improve their approach to evaluation. Included are...
Journal writing and adult learning 1996 This digest focuses on several types of journals, exploring their value in assisting adults through their learning journey an...
Journal writing as an adult learning tool 2002 This brief reviews the research and practice literature and describes issues and methods involved in incorporating journal wr...
Learners' engagement in adult literacy education March 2006 The study described in this report focused on how learning context shapes engagement by adult learners. Understanding how an...
Legislator's resource book: adult education services - the success, the impact and the need June 2009 This document contains state-by-state data on adult education programs. The data is taken from USDE OVAE's National Reporting...
Legislators' resource book: adult education services - the success, the impact and the need May 2007 This document contains state-by-state snapshots of adult education programs from 2003-04. Included on each fact sheet are sta...
Lifelong learning 2000 This publication examines the concept of lifelong learning and the myths surrounding gap between the ideal and real learning ...
Local perspectives on WIA reauthorization March 26, 2010 This policy brief reports on the February 18, 2010 CAAL Roundtable discussion of WIA and the Adult Education and Economic Gro...
Low-income adults in profile: improving lives through higher education February 2004 “This report describes the low-income adult student population, outlines the many challenges that they face, and explains the...
Minority participation in continuing education 1993 The trends of larger numbers of diverse groups in the U.S. work force, the need for continuing education and retraining, and ...
Mounting pressures facing the U.S. workforce and the increasing need for adult education and literacy May 21, 2007 This is a report of one of the presentations made at the April 2007 meeting of the National Commission on Adult Literacy. The...
Multiple intelligences and adult education 2000 This alert reviews the ways that multiple intelligence (MI) theory has been investigated in adult literacy education. Ext...
National Literacy Act 1991 This document summaries the National Literacy Act of 1991 and its relationship to the Adult Education Act.
Net annual fiscal contributions of US adults aged 18-64 by educational attainment, 2009-2012 January, 2014 This paper analyzes the fiscal gains to the nation and to individuals of high school and college graduation for adults aged 1...
New views of adult learning 1999 This alert examines some of the recent trends in the literature of adult learning. Included are transformative learning, adu...
Partners for lifelong learning: public libraries and adult education 1991 This booklet consists of two commissioned papers written by library educators describing the role of public libraries in adul...
Part-time instructors in adult and vocational education 1993 The digest looks at the increased use of part-time instructors in adult and vocational education. It examines the education ...
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.