Directory of federal funding sources for adult education
Publisher: Abt Associates Inc.
Published At: Bethesda, MD
Date Published: March 2009
Distributor: Abt Associates Inc.
Source Address: 4550 Montgomery Ave. Suite 800 North
Source City/State/Zip: Bethesda MD 20814
Phone: 301-828-9753
Material Type: Directory
Intended Audience: General
Physical Media: Print
Physical Description: iii + 102 p.
Subjects: Federal Aid; Adult Education; Family Literacy; Workplace Literacy
This directory of federal funding sources describes 49 programs from ten agencies that authorize expenditures for adult basic education activities during fiscal years 2007 and 2008. The programs are described in terms of purpose, eligible applicants and beneficiaries, application procedure, financial information, and contacts for more information.
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