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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.


40 records
Title Date Abstract
Technology Integration Mentor Academy, report on the first year 2004-05 [2006] OTAN offers a Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) to train and support candidates from local adult education progra...
Technology Integration Mentor Academy: report on the second year 2005-06 [2006] OTAN offers a Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) to train and support candidates from local adult education progra...
Technology Integration Mentor Academy: report on the third year 2006-07 [2007] OTAN offers a two-year Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) to train and support candidates from local adult educati...
Technology Integration Mentor Academy: report on the fourth year 2007-08 [2008] OTAN offers a two-year Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) to train and support candidates from local adult educati...
Technology Integration Mentor Academy: report on the fifth year 2008-09 [2010] OTAN offers a Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) to train and support candidates from local adult education progra...
Technology Integration Mentor Academy: report on the seventh year 2010-11 [2011] OTAN offers a Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) to train and support candidates from local adult education progra...
Technology Integration Mentor Academy: report on the eighth year 2011-12 [2012] OTAN offers a Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) to train and support candidates from local adult education progra...
Expanding evidence approaches for learning in a digital world [2012] This report discusses the promise of sophisticated digital learning systems for collecting and analyzing very large amounts o...
Technology Integration Mentor Academy: report on the ninth year 2012-13 [2013] OTAN offers a Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) to train and support candidates from local adult education progra...
Hypermedia: an introduction 1991 This article explains hypermedia, a method of media presentation that can be used to create computer- assisted instruction (C...
Technologoy offers new ways to boost literacy 1993 This brief summarizes the findings of the OTA report Adult Literacy and New Technologies: Tools for a Lifetime. The study c...
Characteristics of effective instructional technology 1994 This article summarizes characteristics of effective instructional technology within the context of software development at t...
What counts? Assessing computer skills 1997 The author describes a self-assessment he developed to help adult education and ESL instructors place students appropriately ...
Technology and adult learning: current perspectives 1998 The digest reviews some current perspectives about technology and adult learning. It begins by describing approaches for int...
California adult education technology survey 1998 In 1998, the Outreach and Technical Assistance Network composed a technology survey of adult education programs throughout Ca...
Using technologies effectively in adult and vocational education 1999 This brief presents information about educational applications of technology and provides some guidelines for its use in adul...
Americans in the information age falling through the net 1999 The report provides data on the level of access by Americans to telephones, computers, and the Internet. It includes where A...
Standards for creating multimedia learning modules for low literacy and limited English proficient adult learners 1999 This working paper begins to define the theoretical and design standards underlying the development of the Cyberstep Project'...
Materials development framework for courses targeting low-literacy and limited-English speaking adults 1999 This framework provides pedagogical and design concepts to assist curriculum designers with the creation of courses and inst...
Evaluation of cyber products: involvement of technology users in product development 1999 This paper details how to structure the involvement of adult learners in the development of multi-media products. Included ar...
Web-based training 2000 The digest examines the efficacy of Web-based (WBT) training, including issues of market demand, learner participation, train...
Enhancing authentic language learning experiences through Internet technology 2000 The digest highlights a number of Internet applications that can be used to enrich the foreign language classroom. Reference...
Cyberstep Project 2000 The Cyberstep Project was a federally funded partnership of four U.S. literacy service innovators, formed to create and distr...
Learning technologies in adult education 2001 This publication explores beliefs about the newer learning technologies that are being used to extend and enhance adult learn...
Technological literacy 2001 This Digest provides information to educators about the need and standards for technological literacy and the steps necessary...
Instructional Technology Agency Intervention Project : AlphaSmart Project Evaluation Report 2000-2001 2001 This document summarizes one initiative undertaken as a part of a research and implementation initiative of the Outreach and ...
California Adult Education Technology Plan, 2001-2004 2001 This adult education technology plan for the state of California addresses issues of infrastructure, uses for technology, and...
Principles and indicators to assist in the development and evaluation of technology-based materials: a design framework for multimedia development in adult literacy 2001 This outline for a presentation at the COABE Conference in 2001 addresses the principles and indicators for effective design ...
Bringing a nation online: the importance of federal leadership 2002 This policy document advocates continued federal support for community technology programs that result in connecting under-se...
E-Learning 2002 This alert summarizes the current literature on instruction delivered via electronic technology. E-learning has the capacity ...
Uses of technology in adult ESL education 2002 This trends and issues report reviews how technology can be used as an adult ESL instructional tool. References are included...
New technologies for literacy and adult education: a global perspective 2005 This paper presents visions on the ways that technology can support the development of youth and adult literacy, and non-form...
California adult education technology plan, 2007-2011 2007 This adult education technology plan for the state of California addresses key issues related to the integration of technolog...
United Streaming: Outreach Technical Assistance Network (OTAN) and Discovery Education pilot project: summary report 2007 This is a report on a pilot project that facilitated 50 California teachers using in adult education classrooms the online vi...
Relationship between literacy proficiency and the digital divide among adults with low educational attainment 2008 This paper examines the relationships between basic literacy proficiency and use of computer technology among adults who did ...
Ed tech developer's guide; a primer for software developers, startups, and entrepreneurs April 2015 The guide provides basic information about districts, schools, teachers, and students. In addition, it will help you consider...
Uses of technology in the instruction of adult English language learners Feb 2009 This brief discusses three ways of using technology with adults learning English--onsite, blended, and online. Examples of ea...
Technology use in California Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title II funded adult education programs June 2007 This brief addresses the use of technology in California WIA Title II adult education programs. The five categories of use di...
Emerging technologies in adult literacy and language education June 2010 This paper addresses the potential contribution of emerging technologies to adult literacy and language education and to prof...
Power of technology to transform adult learning: expanding access to adult education and workforce skills through distance learning October 21, 2009 This report develops the recommendations proposed by the National Commission on Adult Literacy in "Reach Higher, America." Be...
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.