3.OA.5-6: Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.
7 Results
Activity Description
This Web site is filled with tools to assist teachers as they set up their math course as well as students looking for individual help. The site includes class notes, video worksheets, video lectures (using different formats if you cannot access YouTube), homework sets, topic quizzes to assess if students are able to skip the topic, and much more.
This is the Algebra2go Prealgebra course from Saddleback College with all lesson and class resources available for immediate download in one large zip file (1.14GB).
Program Areas
ABE: Adult Basic Education, ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ASE: High School Diploma, ESL: English as a Second Language, CTE: Career Technical EducationLevels
Low, Intermediate, High, Intermediate High, AdvancedActivity Description
EdReady is a personalized math and English readiness learning system that evaluates the skills of each student in the context of their goal and then provides a learning pathway to mastery. EdReady supports and accelerates math and English readiness.
This activity takes you through the steps to set up your own EdReady account and how you can use it with your students.
OTAN supports agencies wanting to try EdReady with their students. They will set up teacher accounts and needed student pathways. Students are assigned a “Goal key” that ensures the student is working in their teacher’s account. Teachers can track student progress and time on task.
For more information about EdReady, please see the Web-based article titled, “Accelerate Learning with EdReady”.
Program Areas
ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ABE: Adult Basic EducationLevels
Activity Description
GCF LearnFree provides help with basic math in the areas of subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percents. With an emphasis on images and interactives, their math tutorials make learning math easier. The tutorials are designed to be like a math workbook, so learners can practice what they learn directly within the lessons and learn at their own pace.
Program Areas
ABE: Adult Basic Education, ASE: High School Equivalency PreparationLevels
Low, IntermediateActivity Description
The Khan Academy is filled with video presentations on a multitude of math subjects and worked examples of math problems.
It is organized according to math Subject: Arithmetic External Link Icon opens in new window or tab then Topic: Division 1 External Link Icon opens in new window or tab. Because of the multitude of examples, you can find another Division lesson under Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 1 External Link Icon opens in new window or tab. Down the left, you see the organization of each lesson/course.
Program Areas
ABE: Adult Basic Education, ESL: English as a Second Language, ASE: High School Diploma, AwD: Adults with Disabilities, ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, CTE: Career Technical EducationLevels
Low, Intermediate, High, All LevelsActivity Description
Project Interactivate is mathematics courseware containing more than 29+ classroom-tested interactive activities and tools. Suggested lesson plans External Link Icon opens in new window or tab and discussions External Link Icon opens in new window or tab based on various concepts contained in the activities help support standards-based approaches to mathematics education.
Students can also use the site to learn fractions, do comparisons, create Venn Diagrams and practice other mathematics concepts. Great for the visual learner.
This activity allows students to practice solving algebraic equations using the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse properties. As the user solves the problem, the activity tracks each step, noting the property that was used and the number of steps used to solve the equation. There are three different levels of difficulty.
Program Areas
ASE: High School Equivalency PreparationLevels
Activity Description
Program Areas
ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ABE: Adult Basic EducationLevels
All LevelsActivity Description
This Web site is filled with tools to assist teachers as they set up their math course as well as students looking for individual help. The site includes class notes, video worksheets, video lectures (using different formats if you cannot access YouTube), homework sets, topic quizzes to assess if students are able to skip the topic, and much more.