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Khan Academy: Mathematics-Division of Whole Numbers


Tech Product/Equipment:
Computer and projector, Mobile devices for students

Activity Description

Khan Academy Homepage
Source: Khan Academy Homepage (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

The Khan Academy is filled with video presentations on a multitude of math subjects and worked examples of math problems.

It is organized according to math SubjectArithmetic then TopicDivision 1. Because of the multitude of examples, you can find another Division lesson under Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 1. Down the left, you see the organization of each lesson/course.


  1. Preview the video.
  2. Match it to pages in the student's math book for exercises to be done by the students.
  3. Print Documents: Math Review worksheet for facts review and Beginning Division Review


  1. Either select Math next to Jump to Topic, or just scroll down the page until you find the Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra section.
  2. Select one of the Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra sections for ABE math levels.
  3. Use the video as a discussion start or assign as a follow-up to the lesson. Could also be used for independent study by a student with follow-up help provided by the teacher.
  4. Hand out Math Review Worksheet. Have students practice their facts. Each week hand out a review sheet for students to improve their speed and accuracy.

Teacher Tips

As a teacher, you can create a class. Students can sign onto Khan Academy and join your class. You are then given details about student growth, topics they are struggling with, ones they have mastered and time spent on Khan.

More Ways

  • Khan Academy has a wide range of Mathematics subjects and courses. It is a great source of help for your students at all levels in all areas from Early Math to Calculus and Statistics.
  • Assign the video to be viewed at home and the homework problems done in class the next day. (Reverse lessons)
  • If you would like to assign some online practice for students, select Practice in the site's header menu. Then select from the many online activities presented here by topic. In the left-hand menu, you can Show or Hide All the activities or you can use the graphical map to make activity choices. You can also move the map around by using your mouse to click, hold, and drag the map (anywhere except on the activity dots themselves.)

Program Areas

  • ABE: Adult Basic Education
  • ESL: English as a Second Language
  • ASE: High School Diploma
  • AwD: Adults with Disabilities
  • ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation
  • CTE: Career Technical Education


  • Low
  • Intermediate
  • High
  • All Levels

Lesson Plan


Warm up the class by playing a math game. Here is a possibility called Who Am I? Have learners answer the question to each other.

  1.  Write a number on the board.
  2. Ask the learners to identify the number as odd or even
  3. Multiply by 10, 5, etc.
  4. Add a number to it
  5. Subtract a number from it

For more ideas see the Document: Math Warm-ups

  1. Division is used throughout our daily lives. For example here is a problem requiring division.
  2. You are playing a card game. It is up to you to deal the deck of 52 cards evenly to the six of you playing the game. How many cards will each person get and how many will be left to put in the draw pile?
  3. 52 divided by 6 equals 8 with 4 cards left over.
  4. Have students get into pairs or small goups and brainstorm ideas about ways you can use division. Share ideas with the class and write them on the board.


Engagement Enhancement
  1. There are several ways of thinking about division.
  2. Go to the online website Khan Academy to watch Introduction to Division. (17:02 minute video)
  3. At 5:16 Sal Khan explains two different ways to think of Division.
  4. Stop the video at 6:33 to discuss these two ways with the class.
  5. In small groups have learners draw or use manipulatives to explain the difference to the group.




Engagement Enhancement
  1. Hand out the document Beginning Division Review.
  2. In their groups have students use drawings or manipulatives to show two different ways of representing division (discussed in the video).
  3. Continue through the worksheet.
Engagement Enhancement
  1. Use Khan Academy to practice Division facts
  2. Hand out the document, Math-review-worksheet FINAL.
  3. In pairs or small groups, learners practice multiplication math facts using a timer to compete with their own best times.
Engagement Enhancement
  1. Learners take the Unit test at Khan Academy.  When finished, they can take a screenshot of the score to send to the teacher.
  2. In pairs, learners come to the board. One is the 'writer' the other is the 'explainer'. Together they present a division problem, share the process, and answer to the class. Continue until all students have had the opportunity to present as pairs. If time is available, reverse the roles and do it again.
Engagement Enhancement Extension
  • At home or at work, learners use their phones to take photos of someplace/way they needed to use division.
  • Learners send the photos to the class/teacher. At the next class session, share the photos and discuss the different ways division is used in our everyday life.



  • Consumer Economics
    • Demonstrate financial literacy skills
    • Understand how to manage household finances
    • Understand methods and procedures used to purchase goods and services
    • Use information to identify and purchase goods and services
    • Use measurement and money
  • Math
    • Algebra
    • Calculus
  • Math
    • Compute using decimal fractions
    • Compute using fractions
    • Compute using whole numbers
    • Compute with percents, rate, ratio, and proportion
  • Math
    • Consumer Math
    • Conversions
    • Decimals
  • Math
    • Demonstrate measurement skills
    • Demonstrate pre-computation skills
  • Math
    • Fractions
    • Geometry
    • Integrated Math
  • Math
    • Interpret data from graphs and compute averages
  • Math
    • Math Electives
    • Percentages
    • Pre-Algebra
    • Proportions
    • Trigonometry
  • Math
    • Use estimation and mental arithmetic
    • Use expressions, equations, and formulas
    • Use statistics and probability
  • Math
    • Whole Number Skills
  • Mathematics
    • Algebraic Concepts
    • Data Analysis/Probability/Statistics
    • Measurement/Geometry
    • Numbers and Operations on Numbers

CTE Anchor Standards

  • Anchor Standard 1: Academics - Analyze and apply appropriate academic standards required for successful industry sector pathway completion leading to postsecondary education and employment. Refer to the industry sector alignment matrix for identification of standards.


  • Number and Operations: Base Ten
    • 3.NBT.1-3 - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
    • 4.NBT.1-3 - Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers.
    • 4.NBT.4-6 - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
    • 3.OA.1-4 - Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
    • 3.OA.5-6 - Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.
    • 3.OA.7 - Multiply and divide within 100.
    • 4.OA.4 - Gain familiarity with factors and multiples.


Math, explicit instruction, exponents, formulas, fractions, functions, geometric shapes, geometry, graphing, Khan, Khan Academy, math facts, math vocabulary, measurement, metric, multiplication, percents word-problems, perimeter, pre-algebra, proportions, Pythagorean Theorem, ratios, roots, rounding, scientific notation, slope, subtraction, visual presentation, addition, algebra, angles, area, audio assist, concepts, decimals, division, equations, estimation

Creative Commons License

CC BY-NC-SA:This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.