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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

English (Second Language)

50 records
Title Date Abstract
Working with literacy-level adult English language learners 2003 This Q & A describes literacy-level English language learners and the skills they need to develop. It discusses effective pra...
Whole language use in the English as a second language classroom, instruction guide [1989] The project, conducted by Des Moines Area Community college, Ankenny, Iowa, is directed toward the English language and cultu...
Whole language in adult ESL programs 1990 The article defines the popular whole language approach, relates it to teaching English as a second language, and describes s...
Using volunteers as aides in the Adult ESL classroom 1997 This Digest focuses on using volunteers as teacher aides in the adult ESL classroom. It explains the rationale for involving...
Using the radio to teach English as a second language 2001 This document offers a rationale and suggestions for using the AM/FM/shortwave radio as a low-tech way to improve English lan...
Using the ESL program standards to evaluate and improve adult ESL programs May 2005 "Program quality standards can help program staff and other stakeholders develop, improve, and maintain programs that are con...
Using software in the adult ESL classroom 1998 This Q & A is an overview of types of ESL software with guidelines for the appropriate use of software in the adult ESL class...
Using multicultural children's literature in adult ESL classes 1998 Carefully chosen children's books can offer educational benefits for adult English language learners. This Digest provides b...
Using computers with adult ESL literacy learners 1990 The digest provides an overview of the ways in which various types of computer software and instructional strategies can be u...
Using adult ESL content standards March 2007 This brief begins with historical information about content standards for English language learners who attend English as a s...
Understanding adult ESL content standards September 2006 Education standards describe for all stakeholders (program administrators, teachers and other school and district staff, pare...
Trends in staff development for adult ESL learners 1998 The article presents a selection of terms and concepts in the field of teaching adult English as a second language (ESL). In...
Transitioning adult ESL learners to academic programs 1995 The digest examines the differences between academic and adult ESL programs, and it suggests curricular and programmatic stra...
TELL: techniques for effective language learning in English as a second language 1981 A selective collection of 202 exemplary teaching techniques for instructors of adults in English as a Second Lanaguage. The ...
Technology in adult ESOL instruction: best practices from California 2003 The paper describes instructional strategies used by adult ESL teachers in California that incorporate computer and video tec...
Teaching strategies for developing literacy skills in non-native speakers of English 1984 This paper was delivered at the National Conference on Adult Literacy in Washington, D.C., January 19-20, 1984. It focuses o...
Teaching pronunciation to adult English language learners July 2009 This brief provides information about evidence-based strategies for teaching pronunciation to adult English language learners...
Teaching multilevel adult ESL classes 1995 The digest provides recommends ways to choose and organize content for multilevel classes; it explains grouping strategies; i...
Teaching low-level adult ESL learners 1995 The digest provides information on how to identify and assess the instructional needs of adults learning to become literate i...
Teaching grammar to adult English language learners: focus on form Apr 2009 This brief reviews the evolution of grammar instruction for adult English language learners and provides information on evide...
Teaching and testing listening comprehension in ESL 1990 Thirteen references on the subject of teaching and testing listening comprehension in ESL.
Teacher's voice: action research in your classroom 1995 The article describes some of the types of research that elementary school foreign language teachers can conduct with their s...
Talking adult ESL students into writing; building on oral fluency to promote literacy 1990 The digest addresses the need to reorient the college-level ESL curriculum to serve students with a high degree of oral fluen...
Supporting adult English language learners' transitions to postsecondary education September 2006 This brief focuses on adult English language learners transitioning from ESL programs to postsecondary education, discussing...
Social identity and the adult ESL classroom 1997 This Digest explores how theories of social identity and language learning have developed and discuss ways in which teachers ...
Role of libraries in providing services to adults learning English 1990 The digest discusses some of the challenges facing libraries in the area of service to adults learning English as a second la...
Resource guide: dialogue journal bibliography 1991 A dialog journal is a written conversation in which a student and teacher communicate regularly. This is a bibliography of p...
Refugees as English language learners: issues and concerns 1999 This Digest addresses some of the most commonly asked questions concerning these refugees' ethnic origins and the English lan...
Reforming mathematics instruction for ESL literacy students 1997 This digest describes the modifications in the mathematics curricula necessary to meet the needs of English as a second langu...
Reflective teaching practice in adult ESL settings 2001 This digest discusses the reflective teaching process and its implications for adult ESL teachers.
Reading and the adult English language learner 1999 This Digest reviews reading approaches, identifies characteristics of fluent readers, and makes suggestions for developing re...
Promoting success of multilevel ESL classes: what teachers and administrators can do April 2006 This brief provides background information on multilevel classes and offers suggestions for teachers on instruction in such c...
Promising practices to promote retention: results of a case study conducted in the San Diego Centers for Education and Technology, SDCCD 2004 This is a report of a case study of eight adult ESL classes with high retention rates. The consistent themes identified were ...
Project-based learning for adult English language learners 1998 This digest provides a rationale for using project-based learning with adult English language learners, describes the process...
Program standards for adult ESL 2002 This is a selection of journal articles and documents from the ERIC database on the subject of program standards to provide t...
Philosophies and approaches in adult ESL literacy instruction 1995 The digest gives an overview of five approaches currently used in adult English as a second language (ESL) literacy instructi...
Outreach and retention in adult ESL literacy programs 1995 This Digest discusses outreach methods; it examines learners' reasons for enrolling in ESL classes and for leaving the classe...
Numeracy in the Adult ESL Classroom 1996 The digest examines numeracy for adults learning English as a second language (ESL) as well as for those who teach them. It ...
Needs assessment for adult ESL learners 1997 This Digest focuses on ways to determine what adult ESL learners want or believe they need to learn. Many of the activities ...
Myths about language diversity and literacy in the United States 1997 This Digest examines four myths which surround discussions of language diversity and literacy in the United States. Referenc...
Multiple intelligences: theory and practice in adult ESL 1999 This digest outlines the basic tenets of the theory of multiple intelligences (MI) and describes how it has been applied in t...
More than just the Internet: technology for language teaching 1997 This digest describes non-Internet technology tools which remain very useful aids for the language student and teacher. Incl...
Managing programs for adults learning English September 2009 This brief is written for program administrators to provide information and strategies that will promote their success with m...
Look at program components and innovative practices in adult ESL literacy 1990 The paper describes characteristics of ESL literacy programs, summarizes research into program strengths and innovative pract...
Listening to students' voices: educational materials written by and for LEP adult literacy learners 1989 Across the United States, literacy and general education programs for adults learning English are discovering the power of le...
Linguistic diversity in the United States: English Plus and official English 1993 The digest sketches the history in the United States of allowing its citizens linguistic and cultural freedom versus the recu...
Less teaching and more learning 1999 Teacher of adult English as a second language describes how a change in techniques from traditional grammar-based curriculum ...
Language and literacy education for Southeast Asian refugees 1993 This digest describes some of the efforts to meet the language and literacy education needs of Southeast Asian refugees in th...
Integrating reading and writing into adult ESL instruction 1993 The digest describes some of the major reading and writing practices currently in use in adult ESL programs.
Instructional impact on adults enrolled in English as a second language classes with respect to employment, excerpts 1989 Excerpts from an unpublished doctoral dissertation which studied the instructional impact on adults enrolled in English as a ...
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.