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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

OTAN Digest - March 2025

Digest #49
March 2025

Spotlight On...spotlight


Canvas Updates!

The OTAN Canvas professional development topics offer expanded learning about new Canvas upgrades and AI tools this spring. See below for registration details.

Upcoming Sessions Link

  • Canvas Discussions has been redesigned for better engagement, upgraded to enable Podcast feeds, new checkpoints, and summary features.
    Tuesday, March 11, 1-2:30 pm Registration Link
  • AI Translation Feature is an opt in choice which can be used now in Discussions, Announcements, and the Canvas Inbox. Your Canvas Admin needs to turn this feature on.
    Wednesday, March12, 1-2:30 pm Registration Link
  • Canvas Lucid and LucidSpark is a free opt in App that houses the best graphic organizers and/or mind maps. Perfect for organizing information.
    Tuesday, March 25, 1-2:30 pm Registration Link
  • e-Portfolios for CTE are native to Canvas and relevant for adult learners gathering a collection to demonstrate learning or share with a potential employer.
    Wednesday, March 26, 1-2:30 pm Registration Link
  • Khanmigo Teacher Tools can be added, cost-free, to any account and works similarly, we are told, to Magic School. More details soon!

For more information about the OTAN Canvas Project, please email:


OTAN Canvas Regional Summit

May 9th kicks off OTAN’s first Canvas Regional Summit with CAERC (Capital Adult Education Regional Consortium) an in-person event at Sacramento County Office of Education dedicated to hands-on in the moment learning about all things Canvas. Whether you are a beginner exploring how to build a Canvas home page, an administrator learning the backend of Canvas, or someone ready to create personalized courses with Mastery Paths, this event has dedicated sessions to meet your needs.

If your agency/ region is interested in hosting an OTAN Canvas Regional Summit, please send an email to

Equity and Inclusion Banner

Digital Pencils in the Math AE Classroom

Key Ideas:

  • Using digital pencils, research states there was a “26% performance improvement for students with learning disabilities (LD) on simpler procedural tasks.”
  • “Digital pencils demonstrate the importance of tailoring tools to meet specific learner needs.”
  • Digital pencils serve as a “flexible, practical tool with clear potential to enhance math learning outcomes across diverse educational contexts.”

With any technological tool, the key “lies in... matching the tool’s capabilities to students’ needs ensuring equitable access and support.”

Full article: Can Digital Pencils Really Revolutionize Math Learning for Students?

Web-Based Class Activities Banner

Monthly, SMEs write an article about technology and how it correlates with teaching and learning. These articles become companions of each OTAN Tech Talk. While OTAN welcomes an article or Tech Talk from any adult educator in California, our SMEs without fail consistently write about the most innovative ideas for adult education classrooms.


Google Sheets: Clear Visuals for Tracking Student Success
By Christina Hyatt, OTAN Subject Matter Expert

Using Google Sheets in a shared drive helps teachers and staff track student progress quickly and easily. It combines relevant student data in one place, including work completed, CASAS scores, and graduation progress. Before Google Sheets, student progress was paper-based and stored in the classroom. Now, staff can view and update information online, anytime, from anywhere.


The Wallet Citizenship Interview
By Jennifer Gagliardi, OTAN Subject Matter Expert

What do you grab before you leave the house? Keys, glasses, phone, and a wallet. These essential tools not only unlock doors, start cars, and enable us to see the road ahead, they mark civic rights, obligations, and responsibilities.


Collaboration Celebration!
By Josh Eick, OTAN Subject Matter Expert

Collaboration is a must-have skill for any student who wishes to succeed in higher education and/or in the modern workplace. According to an article on collaboration published on the EducateMe website, there are 10 benefits to collaborative learning:

CAESS logo banner

Deadline to nominate: March 21, 2025

There are so many ways Adult Educators support and encourage student success. Nominate the student/s who are successful in achieving their goals despite all the obstacles and challenges they may face. Nomination form link.

2024 Honorees Slideshow

Message from the Director

As I sit down to craft this message, I’m thinking of the many exciting ways that OTAN is collaborating with the field in March. We kick the month off with our annual hybrid Technology and Distance Learning Symposium (TDLS) to be held at Long Beach School for Adults March 7-8. Each of the 82 presentations offer relevant, accessible, and practical strategies to implement in adult programs and classrooms. Some of our presenters are presenting for the first time and others are household names. I love that TDLS is a safe place to learn and grow alongside our peers.

In mid-March, OTAN’s advisory team will meet to discuss the first revision of the Digital Learning Guidance. OTAN first released the Guidance in September 2022. Since then, there have been 3,066 visits to its website. The Guidance includes a website and PDF with strategies for integrating digital learning into classrooms and programs. It also includes a larger suite of resources designed to support digital learning in adult education. These resources include Reader’s Guides, a self-paced online course, and a Facilitator’s Guide. How have you used the Guidance to approach digital learning at your site or in your classroom? Look for an OTAN Tech Trends Survey to be released soon as part of the discovery process of our Guidance revision work.

Our commitment to blended and remote learning options takes center stage with OTAN Canvas. This is a great time to join OTAN Canvas or to schedule Canvas professional development for your team. With the support of CDE, OTAN is now able to fully cover the cost of Canvas licenses for agencies. We have 58 adult ed agencies who are already on board. Reach out to for more information or we invite you to complete the Interest Form available on the OTAN Canvas webpage.

March 3-7 is Open Education Week, now in its 14th year! OTAN has long been a proponent of open education resources (OER) in adult education as they are openly shared and free resources that teachers can adopt, customize, and use to augment learning in and out of the classroom. Check out Open Education Global's site for more information and resources. Also, don’t miss the many OER available on OTAN’s website.

As we navigate the transformative landscape of adult education, we must recognize the driving force behind our efforts – our students. The Students Succeed nominations are a chance for us to shine a spotlight on exceptional students who embody resilience, dedication, and success. Nominate deserving students by March 21, ensuring we celebrate their achievements and contributions to our learning community.

As a state leadership project and adult education partner, OTAN is eager to engage with you around your ed tech, digital, and blended learning needs! Reach out to See you soon.

Renee Collins
-Renee Collins
Director, Adult Education


OTAN March and April Events

Date/Time Event Location
Tuesday, March 11
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Create a Course Teacher Hub Template Workgroup 1 OTAN Online
Tuesday, March 11
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Canvas Discussions OTAN Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, March 12
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Canvas AI Translation Feature OTAN Zoom Meeting
Friday, March 14
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
OTAN Tech Talk March 2025: Tracking Student Success with a Shared Google Tracker OTAN Online
Friday, March 14
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
AI & Tech Tools Revolution: Transforming ESL Instruction for Immediate Impact Part I This session is an inservice for Santa Ana College staff only.
Monday, March 17
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) for Small Agencies OTAN Online
Wednesday, March 19
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Canvas Rich Content Editor - AI Tool OTAN Online
Thursday, March 20
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Office Hours OTAN Online
Thursday, March 20
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Canvas Enhanced Rubrics OTAN Online
Monday, March 24
03:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Canvas Basics for Lynwood Community Adult School This session is an inservice for Lynwood Community Adult School staff only.
Tuesday, March 25
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Create a Course Teacher Hub Template Workgroup 2 OTAN Online
Tuesday, March 25
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Canvas Lucid and Lucid Spark OTAN Online
Wednesday, March 26
12:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Effective Lesson Planning with OTAN Resources and Generative AI This session is an inservice for Glendale Community College staff only.
Wednesday, March 26
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Canvas e-Portfolios for CTE OTAN Online
Wednesday, March 26
03:30 PM - 05:30 PM
Effective Lesson Planning with OTAN Resources and Generative AI This session is an inservice for Glendale Community College staff only.
Thursday, March 27
08:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Easy Projects with Microsoft 365 for Hacienda La Puente Adult Education This session is an inservice for Hacienda La Puente Adult Education staff only.
Thursday, March 27
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Canvas Khanmigo Teacher Tools OTAN Online
Thursday, March 27
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Northstar Digital Literacy User Group OTAN Online
Friday, March 28
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Microsoft Accessibility for North Orange Continuing Education This session is an inservice for North Orange Continuing Education staff only.
Friday, March 28
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM
Canvas Accessibility for North Orange Continuing Education This session is an inservice for North Orange Continuing Education staff only.
Monday, March 31
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Office Hours OTAN Online
Thursday, April 3
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Canvas Studio Updates OTAN Online
Monday, April 7
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Office Hours OTAN Online
Monday, April 7
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Canvas Discussions OTAN Online
Tuesday, April 8
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Personalizing Canvas for Adult Learners OTAN Online
Monday, April 14
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Office Hours OTAN Online
Monday, April 14
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Canvas AI Translation Feature OTAN
Tuesday, April 15
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Accessibility Tools in Canvas OTAN Online
Thursday, April 17
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Canvas Rich Content Editor - AI Tool OTAN Online
Monday, April 21
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Canvas Enhanced Rubrics OTAN Online
Wednesday, April 23
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Canvas Lucidchart and LucidSpark OTAN Online
Thursday, April 24
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Canvas ePortfolios for CTE OTAN Online
Friday, April 25
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
AI & Tech Tools Revolution: Transforming ESL Instruction for Immediate Impact Part II This session is an inservice for Santa Ana College staff only.
Monday, April 28
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Canvas Khanmigo Teacher Tools OTAN Online
Wednesday, April 30
12:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools for Activities and Materials Creation This session is an inservice for Glendale Community College staff only.
Wednesday, April 30
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Canvas Studio Updates OTAN Online
Wednesday, April 30
03:30 PM - 05:30 PM
Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools for Activities and Materials Creation This session is an inservice for Glendale Community College staff only.

OTAN training events are OPEN to Adult Education staff.
★ = CLOSED, In-Service Training

Professional Development - Plan Ahead!

Did you know OTAN provides FREE professional development workshops to help Adult Educators integrate technology?

Think about scheduling OTAN Professional Development in the 2024-2025 school year. With a wide variety of technology topics from which to choose, OTAN training staff can provide in-person workshops or presentations at any approved California adult education agency or professional development event, either online or face-to-face with a computer lab or devices connected to the Internet.

All OTAN's workshops are provided at no cost!

Each session is hands-on - everyone will learn new skills related to technology or using technology that they can use in their adult education class or program. And all OTAN online or face-to-face workshops can be tailored to fit the needs of the requesting program. Select the links to see a list of the current online or face-to-face workshops and descriptions. If you don't see a workshop that is exactly what you need, contact OTAN - we'll work together to create a training that's best for you and your staff!

Need more information? Contact OTAN training staff anytime by phone at (916) 228-2580, or by email at

To view workshops already scheduled, visit the California Adult Education Professional Development Calendar and search for workshops sponsored by OTAN. Don't miss out!

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.