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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

ASE: High School Diploma

135 Results

101. University of Wisconsin: Parade of Games in PowerPoint

Activity Description


Screenshot of website showing different PowerPoint Games that teach.
Source: (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

These PowerPoint game templates can be downloaded from the site and customized with vocabulary from your course content. The files include hyperlinks (hot spots that, when selected, go from one slide—such as a question slide—to another slide, such as a correct or incorrect answer slide).

With Word Jumble, learners are given a word taken from topics from the course content. The word is jumbled, and participants must reflect on course content in order to be able to un-jumble the word.

With Flash Cards, learners connect definitions with keywords or concepts. A definition is shown to the learners and they must make the correct association of the definition to the word or concept it defines. The games can be used as team competitions for vocabulary teaching review and reinforcement.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ASE: High School Diploma, ESL: English as a Second Language


All Levels
102. Using AI in Research Skills Through Collaborative Learning-Working the Web for Education - Tom March

Activity Description

Working the Web for Education Tom March
Source: Working the Web for Education Tom March (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

In this activity, Students will read and discuss a current issue: Rise of the machines: Philippine outsourcing industry braces for AI. The emphasis is on critical thinking. Students will read, consider and discuss the future of Technology and its impact on jobs.

The Tom March Web site contains videos, political cartoons, and pictures that encourage students to think critically. 


Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ASE: High School Diploma, ABE: Adult Basic Education, ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation


All Levels, Intermediate, High
103. Using AI to Assist in Teaching Reading Skills-Leveling Text

Activity Description

Magic School                                                        
Source: (License: CC0/Public Domain)    

Use an AI enhanced program such as or to level text to match the reading levels of your students

Diffit for Teachers
Source: Diffit for Teachers (License: CC0/Public Domain)
 Use the same AI enhanced software to select other tools to assist in teaching students reading comprehension skills.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education, ESL: English as a Second Language, ASE: High School Diploma, AwD: Adults with Disabilities


All Levels, All Levels
104. Using AI to Create Career Related Math Problems: Percentages

Activity Description

Teaching Math requires teachers to know multiple ways to explain a topic, scaffolding to assist students in step-by-step problem solving, and focus student interest by applying mathematics to their personal interest. Artificial Intelligence can help with all three of these areas. 

Students Working on Computers
Source: Best Practices for Using Websites with Students (License: CC0/Public Domain)
 Two current AI applications are ChatGPT and Canva.  AI's ability to apply math concepts to real-world scenarios makes it an excellent source to use with your classes. Students can enter prompts that address their job preference and apply math to their field of interest. But that is just one way to use AI. If students struggle understanding a concept, AI can address the math concept in a different way differentiating by student need. Canva gives you the opportunity to use Math templates in creating your lessons.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education, ESL: English as a Second Language, ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ASE: High School Diploma, CTE: Career Technical Education, AwD: Adults with Disabilities


All Levels, All Levels
105. VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles

Activity Description

VARK Results

Source: by VARK (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

In this activity, students answer the VARK Learning Style online questionnaire’s 16 questions to measure their learning style preferences in these areas: Visual (V), Aural/Auditory (A), Reading/Writing (R), and Kinesthetic (K) – see descriptions at VARK Modalities page in order to find their preferred learning styles and their weaker study habit. The inventory’s focus is on study habits and skills more than personality traits, and there are “help sheets” that explain to students how to develop their less-preferred learning modalities.


Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ABE: Adult Basic Education, ASE: High School Diploma, ESL: English as a Second Language, CTE: Career Technical Education


Low, Intermediate, High, All Levels, Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.