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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

ABE: Adult Basic Education

205 Results

166. GCF LearnFree: Homophones, Grammar Videos, Bingo, and Quizzes

Activity Description

GCF LearnFree is a Web site of many uses. For this lesson use the grammar section. Students will watch the videos and make a quiz on their topic. They can follow up with a Bingo game.

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education


Low, Intermediate, High, All Levels
167. Google Calendar: Create an Online Calendar Using Google Calendar

Activity Description

To save paper, be more mobile, and store a calendar online, use a Google account to make a Google calendar, which you can share with students, access from your cellphone, and even set up to have event reminders sent to you via e-mail or text messaged to your cellphone. .For a full description of features and details about the many Google calendar capabilities, including adding events, sharing your calendar, and sending event invitations, see Google Calendar Support [www].

You and your students will need free Google accounts to be able to share information. Because registered users can have multiple calendars, teachers can set up different calendars for specific classes and share homework assignments, test dates, and project due dates with students. Within your instructional program, you can schedule meetings with colleagues or coordinate computer lab schedules, for example. Of course the calendars can be printed out, too.

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education


Low, Intermediate, High, All Levels
168. Google Classroom

Activity Description

Create a Google Classroom and add a first assignment where students introduce themselves.

Google Classroom allows teachers to create a classroom to organize classwork, communication,  and assessment in one place. 

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education


All Levels
169. Google: Power Searching Course

Activity Description

All students need to know how to effectively and efficiently search the Internet for information they need. These instructional videos made by Google can be used to in and out of the classroom to help students learn this skill. For an in class activity, show each video and then discuss it and do the activities. There are also two assessments that can be helpful - one after the third class and one after the sixth class. Each "class" has several videos and activities to do.

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education


Intermediate, High
170. Grammar Bytes!

Activity Description

Grammar Bytes has many activities for intermediate and advanced ESL, and ABE students. A contemporary looking site with an Index of Grammar Terms, Interactive Exercises with accompanying Handouts For students, and Grammar Rules. It includes PowerPoint presentations which will cut down on your preparation time and a few YouTube videos. Makes a difficult topic enjoyable.

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education


Low, Intermediate, High, All Levels
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.