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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Teaching with Technology

Lesson Planning using WIPPEA

Teaching with Technology entries are now using the WIPPEA model as a guide for effective lesson planning.

The acronym WIPPEA represents the first letter of each stage in the lesson planning model: Warm-up, Introduction, Presentation, Practice, Evaluation, Application. This model helps teachers create a smooth instructional flow and scaffold learning in small chunks. Using this model we are able to plan lessons beginning with the end in mind and target instruction both to the lesson objective and the evaluation of mastery of the objective.

Research has shown that effective teachers follow a methodology for planning and presenting a lesson.

The WIPPEA model with an emphasis on backward design is a guide for teachers in planning effective lessons. This model for lesson planning helps ESL, ABE, ASE, and other teachers create a smooth instructional flow and scaffold learning in small chunks.

The Warm-up is an opportunity to review previous content. Activities are used to prepare students for learning new content.

The Introduction is used to excite students and get them interested in the lesson. Why is this content important for your students?

New content is presented during the presentation. Be sure to use a variety of different strategies for presenting content.

Once the content has been presented, students need time to practice their skills. Plan plenty of time for students to practice their skills.

It is important to evaluate student learning. This can be anything from an informal observation to a written assessment. How will you know your students understand the content? Do you need to reteach any concepts?

During Application, students apply what they learned in a new activity. How can they use the skill in their own lives?

The model is based on the work from Madeline Hunter from her text, Mastery Teaching (1982), and adapted by the ESL Teacher Institute, Lesson Planning Module, then published by Longman, Teacher Training Through Video, 1992.

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.