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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.


Upcoming OTAN Activities Week of November 13

Posted on 11/13/2023

As of 11/8- All times PST

For up-to-date upcoming professional development click this link.

National Apprenticeship Week November 13-19: Consult the COABE link External Link Icon opens in new window or tab for a schedule of events and resources.

TDLS 2024 Call for Proposals! Please share your best technology in the classroom ideas. Deadline: Monday, December 4th

Digital Learning Guidance: Professional Development Materials ready to access for your agency. Choose your agency’s adventure with a Reader’s Guide or/and Interactive Facilitator’s Guide, or/and online course or/and customized professional development with an OTAN SME.

Tuesday, November 14, 9-10:30 am | Admin Cohort Session #3 | Same link to join.

Tuesday, November 14, 12-1:00 pm | Canvas Q & A for Administrators and Teachers External Link Icon opens in new window or tab | Register for this session and bring any questions about Canvas to our Instructure expert.

Monday, November 27, 12-1:00 pm | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lunch Break #4 with Jarek Janio External Link Icon opens in new window or tab | Join this future-focused conversation about AI and assessing student learning and progress with exams or projects.

Coming soon, CampGPT! |This highly collaborative learning experience engages participants in critical thinking and active learning with generative AI tools. Register for both sessions for continuity and depth of learning.

November Digest
Fall Newsletter

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.