H5P Interactive Module Comes to Moodle 3.8
by Susan Coulter
Posted September 2020
Posted September 2020
Adult Basic Education
OTAN recently upgraded their Moodle Learning Management System to Moodle 3.8 and with the upgrade, they added a H5P Activity Module and numerous games. You may be wondering, what is H5P? It is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package. H5P makes it easy for everyone to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content.
Curating Lessons and Resources Using Wakelet
by Susan Gaer
Posted June 2020
Posted June 2020
Adult Basic Education
Wakelet is a free service that allows educators and librarians to curate content from across the web, gather research, create digital portfolios, tell digital stories, distribute newsletters, and much, much more.
10 Tips for Creating Community and Retaining Students When Any Part of Your Remotely-Delivered Instruction Goes Online
by Kristi Reyes
Posted May 2020
Posted May 2020
Adult Basic Education
Are our adult students ready to study online? With an optimistic viewpoint, we can say that they are on the brink of universal readiness!
Start Your Year with Google Drive, Docs, Calendar, and Keep
by Debbie Jensen
Posted August 2019
Posted August 2019
Adult Basic Education
We will be looking at Google tools to assist us in teaching online organization, communication, time management and note-taking.
Developing Reading Skills for Healthcare Workers.
by Susan Coulter
Posted March 2020
Posted March 2020
Adult Basic Education
Reading Skills for Healthcare Workers is a free online literacy curriculum based on CNA and general healthcare content. There are over 200 reading selections between grade levels 4.5 and 8.5, and they are focused on developing academic and content vocabulary.
Improve Student Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Background Knowledge with ReadWorks
by Susan Coulter
Posted February 2020
Posted February 2020
Adult Basic Education
Readworks is a free, non-profit site focused on improving teacher effectiveness and student achievement in reading comprehension by providing free standards-aligned content, curriculum, and tools based on the highest quality cognitive scientific research on how to learn to read.
Sites for Developing Students’ Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills
by Kristi Reyes
Posted January 2020
Posted January 2020
Adult Basic Education
There is even a lot of news about fake news. Some countries have made legal crackdowns on fake news, but in the United States, with first amendment rights of free speech and freedom of the press, the same governmental regulations have not been initiated.
Job Success ePortfolio and Job Preparation Skills
by Debbie Jensen
Posted December 2019
Posted December 2019
Adult Basic Education
In our CTE programs and with our adult students generally, we prepare students with the necessary skills to get a job. In addition to the job skill set, we also need to consider the process for getting the job itself.
21Things4Students - Online Resource to Teach Digital Literacy and Citizenship
by Debbie Jensen
Posted March 2019
Posted March 2019
Adult Basic Education, ESL and Citizenship, High School and GED
21Things4Students is an online resource to help students improve their technology proficiency as they prepare for success in the real world." You will love this resource, not only for your students and your class, but also for yourself. This website has everything you want or need to teach your students about digital literacy and citizenship. It not only teaches students, but it also has a section dedicated to teachers who may feel they lack some of the skills themselves (more on that later). An added plus: there are no student logins, so students won't need accounts or passwords to use the site.
CK-12: Online Digital Textbooks With Built-In Assessments and Much More
by Debbie Jensen
Posted November 2019
Posted November 2019
Adult Basic Education
Today with the help of technology, we can individualize assignments and offer them in more than one modality. Now there are customizable digital textbooks with interactive content including adaptive practice, simulations, interactives, and study guides. It is CK-12 and it is free, Open Educational Resources (OERs).
Do You Speak Emoji?
by Kristi Reyes
Posted October 2019
Posted October 2019
Adult Basic Education
Are emoji just a passing fad? Or are they a scientifically-researched new vehicular language for the digital age?
Creating Virtual Reality Units and Interactive Images Using Thinglink
by Susan Gaer
Posted June 2019
Posted June 2019
Adult Basic Education
You may have seen photos of users with high-tech virtual reality goggles tuned out to the world and wonder what type of experiences can be had. By definition, users are immersed in a 3D world and virtual reality places the user inside the experience as opposed to just viewing it. With Thinglink, you can easily recreate these experiences for students who will view them using simple cardboard VR devices.
Promote Critical Thinking Skills with NewseumED
by Susan Coulter
Posted September 2019
Posted September 2019
Adult Basic Education
NewseumED is a free website belonging to Newseum, a museum in Washington, DC dedicated to news and history. The focus is on First Amendment rights and helping students develop critical thinking skills through thousands of lesson plans, videos, classes, digital artifacts, historical events and critical debates. NewseumED is a great way to build the critical thinking skills needed for our High School Equivalency students.
Simple Digital Storytelling with Adobe Spark Video
by Kristi Reyes
Posted November 2018
Posted November 2018
Adult Basic Education
Adobe Spark Video is a free digital storytelling application for desktop computers and with apps for Apple products that lets users make videos that include photos, text, music, voice-over narration, and transitions using a wide variety of templates and themes. Students can easily and quickly make short videos for several different class assignments, including “About Me” introductions, presentations, personal narratives, explainer and how-to videos, multi-media portfolios, and more.
Keep Students' Attention: Delivering Interactive Lectures with Pear Deck
by Kristi Reyes
Posted May 2019
Posted May 2019
Adult Basic Education
Getting started with Pear Deck to create interactive lectures
Web Based Class Activity...