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Figuring Out the Tip


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Activity Description


Moomoo Math and Science
Source: Moomoo Math and Science (License: CC0/Public Domain)

Watch the video instructions for students to figure out the tip to pay for a restaurant meal. It is a good introduction to this math and science help Web site and to calculating percents. Students use the worksheet to practice.


Preview site, especially the Middle School Math, Algebra and Geometry resources  you can use it in the classroom and as a resource for students. Print the Example Document 1, Figuring Out the Tip or send it to the students digitally. The answer key is available.

"MooMooMath provides free video lessons, tips and resources in Pre-algebra, Algebra, Algebra 2, and Geometry along with a summary of each video lesson. Under each summary is a practice link to free interactive websites to reinforce each concept." Site description


  1. Discuss skills used in going to a restaurant.
  2. Focus on how to figure out the tip.
  3. Have students generate costs of meals from different restaurants. You could visit Web sites from local restaurants to look at menus to calculate a total bill for a meal.
  4. Assign pairs of students to figure out the tips for that meals on the Example Document 1, Figuring Out the Tip.
  5. Gather students to share results.

More Ways

For other math topics, select the Helpful Middle School Videos

Program Areas

  • ABE: Adult Basic Education


  • Low
  • Intermediate
  • High
  • All Levels

Lesson Plan


Discuss eating out in restaurants, favorite places, and the tip at the end of the meal. Students turn to each other and explain what they do to figure out the tip. 

Engagement Enhancement

In pairs, have students generate costs of meals from different restaurants using their websites. Submit the costs for two onto the class discussion board. Today we will discuss ways to figure out the tip.

Engagement Enhancement

Watch the video, Calculating a 15% tip without a calculator

Using the information from one of the student generated samples model how to figure out the tip. Invite students to come to the board and do another problem. 

Engagement Enhancement

Have each pair practice on their restaurant bill. Hand out the worksheet. have pairs work to fill it out.

Engagement Enhancement

Invite each pair to come to the board. One of the pair writes on the board, the other member tells the class and the partner what to do.

Engagement Extension

Pairs discuss other examples of ways to use percentages in everyday life. Share with the class



  • Math
    • Percentages
    • Whole Number Skills


  • Ratios and Proportional Relationships
    • 6.RP.1-2 - Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.


math, figuring out the tip, moomoo math, restaurant math, tip, everyday math


MooMooMath is a free copyrighted website you can link to and use their resources.
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.