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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Vision Board


Additional Websites:
Tech Product/Equipment:
Computer and projector, Mobile devices for students

Activity Description

Vision Board
Source: Pixabay by Sh1ra (License: CC0/Public Domain)
For this project, students think about their longer-term academic and personal goals, create a collage of images and words representing their vision for their future and present it to the class.


  1. Check the website to ensure it is not blocked at your site.
  2. Read through the lesson plan.
  3. Print and make copies of any handouts.


Find samples of vision boards online or create your own.

Decide what technology tool students will use to create their vision boards: a single Google Slide, a single PowerPoint slide, one frame on a class-shared Jamboard, or other. Practice using whichever tool you decide to use.

Teacher Tips

If students use PowerPoint, the slide can be downloaded an image file or PDF. Select "Save" and from the drop-down arrow for the box under the file name, select "JPEG," "PNG," or "PDF."

If you have students create their vision board on a frame of a shared Jamboard (, their frames can be downloaded. Note that Jamboard has a limit of 20 frames, so if your class has more students, you will need to create another Jamboard and share it. Select the three dots next to the share button (top right) to download the Jamboard as a PDF file.

If students create their vision boards on a single slide of a Google Slideshow (, select "File," "Download,' and choose "JPEG," "PNG," or "PDF."

Program Areas

  • ABE: Adult Basic Education
  • ESL: English as a Second Language


  • All Levels
  • Beginning High
  • Intermediate Low
  • Intermediate High
  • Advanced

Lesson Plan


Ask students to think about their future goals and aspirations. Have a short discussion in which you share one of your dreams. Ask volunteer students to share one of their dreams. Encourage them to think about what they can do now to work towards achieving those dreams.

Engagement Enhancement

Ask students if they have ever written down their goals or created vision boards. If anyone has, ask them to share how the act of making goals more concrete helps achieve them.

Explain the concept of a vision board: a visual representation of one's goals, dreams, and desires. Emphasize the power of visualization in achieving success and personal growth. Show examples of vision boards to inspire the students.

Model how to present a vision board.

Engagement Enhancement

Discuss the key elements of creating an effective vision board:

Goal Setting: Encourage students to think about their short-term and long-term goals.
Visual Representation: Explain how to use images, symbols, and words to represent their aspirations.
Focus Areas: Suggest categories such as education, career, health, relationships, hobbies, etc.
Creativity: Encourage them to be imaginative and use various art supplies to express themselves.

Show samples.

Demonstrate brainstorming ideas with the handout:

1.       Family and Friends - Personal development and relationships– What skills do I want to develop or improve? What do I want to learn? What relationships do I want to create or improve? 

2.       Education & Career / Work – What do I want to accomplish? What kind of impact do I want to have? 

3.       Health, Fitness, nutrition, and food for the soul– What level of physical fitness do I want to maintain or achieve? What can I do to improve my eating habits? What practices can I partake in that will cultivate my spirituality? 

4.       Material things and time savers– Have fun with this one – have I been dreaming about purchasing a new car or installing the latest home entertainment system? Or do I want to hire help for household duties, so that I can have more time with my family and friends?  

5.       Finances– Do I want to pay down my credit? Do I want to start saving money? Do I want to start investing? What income level do I want to achieve?  

6.       Legacy– What do I want to leave behind?  What do I want to be remembered for? How do I want to be remembered?  

7.       Community – How do I want to be involved in your community? Do I want to volunteer? Do I want to meet my neighbors? Do I want to join some groups or organizations?

8.       Other - ______________________________________________________

Remember, your Vision Board does not necessarily have to include each and every one of these categories. The categories are merely a guideline for the words and pictures your Vision Board can include!  



Students complete the handout and select what they want to include on their vision boards.

Have students find online images or take photos for their vision boards.

Demonstrate for students how to create their vision boards on the chosen tool (PowerPoint, Google Slide,Padlet, Figma or Jotboard). Have them share their work with you by email or other preferred method for projecting from one computer or print the files and post in a classroom.


Vision Board Sample 3
Vision Board Sample 2
Vision Board Sample 1


Gather the students together and have them present their vision boards to the class. Each student should explain the significance of the images and words they chose and how they relate to their goals. Encourage positive feedback and constructive comments from their peers.

Assign students to journal about their progress towards their goals for the next few weeks. They can also update or add to their vision boards if they have new insights or aspirations.


Wrap up the lesson by emphasizing the importance of keeping their vision boards in a prominent place where they can see them daily. Remind them to visualize their goals regularly and take steps towards achieving them.



  • Reasoning Through Language Arts
    • Mechanics (Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling)
  • Writing
    • Basic Sentences
    • Mechanics (Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling)


  • Speaking and Listening
    • CCR Anchor 5 - Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
    • CCR Anchor 6 - Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
  • Language
    • CCR Anchor 1 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.


Speaking, vision board, goals, future, Google Slides, plans, PowerPoint


Google Slides, Jamboard, PowerPoint
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.