SongR: Write a Song with AI
Activity Description
- Check the website to ensure it is not blocked at your site.
- Read through the lesson plan. Decide on how to modify it and scaffold for your student audience, their level, and course objectives.
- Print and make copies of any handouts.
- Practice using the site on your own in order to anticipate student questions or challenges.
- Decide on the language focus of your lesson: grammar, pronunciation, rewriting with synonyms, etc.
Other AI song generators include the following:
- Open a web browser and navigate to
- Select "Try SongR App Now."
- Hover over preferred music genre: Pop, Hip Hop, Cafe, Piano Rock.
- Option 1: In the text box that appears, type in key words or phrases to appear in the song and select the right arrow. Preview the song lyrics. If desired, choose to "Try Again" or change any words by typing in the lyrics box. Select "Render" when satsified with the lyrics.
- Wait for your song to render. Listen to your song. Select "Download" and choose Download Video (mp4) or Download Audio (mp3).
- Option 2: If using your own lyrics, select "I have my own lyrics."type or copy and paste them into the text box (750 characters maximum) and select the voice - masculine or femine.
- Select "Render."
Other AI song generators include the following:
Suno AI
These Lyrics Don’t Exist
More Ways
The site can be used to generate songs for many different reasons besides those already provided, including celebrations, last day of class recognitions, and so on.
Program Areas
- ESL: English as a Second Language
- Beginning Low
- Beginning High
- Intermediate Low
- Intermediate High
- Advanced
Lesson Plan
Begin by talking about your own hobby / interest / favorite past time. Tell about it, showing pictures or video, introducing vocabulary, and tell about when you started the hobby / how long you have had it, how you learned/who taught you, how often you do it, special tools or equipment needed, who you engage in the activity with, and why you enjoy it,
Brainstorm hobbies / interests / pasttimes with students. They can post ideas to a Jamboard, Padlet, or Google Doc, for example. Try to have students categorize the list, as possible (e.g., outdoor activities, indoor activities, arts/crafts, athletic actitivies, scholarly activities, volunteer/community activities, etc.). If a Jamboard was used, the "sticky notes" can be grouped by dragging them.
Have students converse in small groups about hobbies with the conversation questions (handout).
Tell students to select one hobby / pastime / interest that they enjoy. Model how to list words and phrases associated with the their choice, for example: hiking - mountains, fresh air, sunshine, birds, trees, flowers, exercise, fresh air, ascend, descend, etc.
Optionally have students compose sentences that will be the lyrics for their songs and provide feedback on their writing. Keep in mind that the site limits the length of text. Songs will not be longer than 30 seconds.
Tell students that they are going to generate a song about their selected hobby / interest / pastime.
Demonstrate with your own selection using the site and then play your song. Ask students if they think any parts should be revised and to give their reasoning. Re-render as desired.
Have students use the SongR AI app to create their songs and share with you.
Follow up by playing students' songs in class. You could use the songs as an ice-breaker activity and use a match names to hobbies quiz afterwards.
Use the songs for vocabulary teaching, grammar analysis, rewriting using different vocabulary / synonyms, or pronunciation practice, depending on students' needs and course learning outcomes.
Students can vote on the best or their favorite or most original song. Musically talented students can practice their songs and perform them.
Students will be able to communicate about personal topics, using creativity while building digital skill.
- Hobbies Conversation.docx - Hobbies Conversation
- Reading
- CCR Anchor 4 - Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
- Writing
- CCR Anchor 4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
- CCR Anchor 5 - Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
- CCR Anchor 6 - Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
- Speaking and Listening
- CCR Anchor 1 - Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
- CCR Anchor 2 - Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
- CCR Anchor 5 - Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.