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Parts of a Check


Activity Description

Use the activity in conjunction with a lesson plan or unit on money, shopping, or paying bills. (Here is a lesson plan from KQED on Understanding Check and Checking Accounts which may be useful.) Use this handout to teach about the parts of a check. The handout includes a pair speaking/comprehension step.


Download the PDF file and photocopy or print as necessary for whatever projection equipment you have.


  1. Project the PDF by photocopying it onto a transparency for an overhead projector, project it from your classroom computer via an LCD projector, or use a document camera to project the photocopy.
  2. Ask students how many of them write checks, when, and what for.
  3. Explain the parts of the check.
  4. Check comprehension by naming a part of the check and asking for volunteers to tell the number.
  5. Divide students into pairs and have them do the pair activity described at the bottom of the handout.
  6. Have students do the "For Fun" writing activity by filling in the check with the information provided.
  7. Check students' work individually or ask for volunteer(s) to write on the projected image of the check.

Teacher Tips

  • Some students may not know who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. You may need to explain who he is and that he is no longer governor of California.
  • Follow up with check-writing practice. Use these printable check writing worksheets.
  • Ask students and/or explain about other methods for paying bills.

Program Areas

  • ESL: English as a Second Language


  • Beginning Literacy
  • Beginning Low
  • Beginning High



writing, buying,check writing,checks,checks,finance,life skills,money,parts of a check,Parts of a check,Parts of a Check,paying,paying bills,paying by check,printable resources,purchases
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.