Quizlet: Flash Card and Vocabulary Quiz Web Site
Activity Description
Students use teacher-created flashcard sets for review and reinforcement of vocabulary words.
- Make sure that the Web site is not blocked at your school site.
- Compile a list of vocabulary words you want students to learn, corresponding to a unit or lesson you plan to teach (food, animals, clothing, for example, or an academic word list or a list of vocabulary words from texts that will be used in class).
- Create an account on Quizlet, type in vocabulary words, select and type in definitions or select images, and save your work. See the step-by-step instructions with screenshots on the Quizlet Help page at
- Flip through the flashcard set you have made to check for typos/spelling errors and to see how the site works (both flashcards and other activities).
- The flashcard sets can be used as whole-class vocabulary review activities or you can share the URL (or embed the flashcards on a class Web page) and have students study the vocabulary words individually in a computer lab setting or outside of class. The flashcards, can be viewed full screen, shuffled, and/or audio-enabled. Users can choose to view the term only first and click to see a definition, or choose to see both terms and definitions on one side of a flashcard.
- By scrolling down on the page, students can see the list of all the flashcard set’s terms to study the terms and hear audio of both the terms and their definitions, which can be reordered alphabetically or printed.
- Under a flashcard set are other practice and self-testing options:
- Speller–correctly type in the words from audio. The drop-down options allow students to choose whether the term or the definition is read and to select the speed of the audio (slow, fast) or to choose no audio.
- Learn–definitions provided by default (or select "Prompt with Term") or audio ("Speak It"), and type in terms. If a term is incorrect, the user is required to type in the answer. If the flashcard set is entered with images in place of text, the images will be displayed, and users need to type in the vocabulary terms. At the end of the exercise, the user is provided with a progress report and then the incorrect questions are displayed again for further review.
- Test–random multiple-choice, True/False, writing, matching questions. The tests can be printed, as well. Select the "Print this Test" button at the top of the test.
- Games–for fun whole-class practice or individual extra practice, users can play one of the two games the site generates from a flashcard set. With Scatter, users must quickly drag terms to definitions or vice verse, or if images were used, drag images to terms. Using the timer this game could be an amusing class competition where teams compete for the fastest time. With the Space Race game, users must quickly type in terms for scrolling definitions, before they scroll off the screen. The prompt can be switched to the term so that users need to type in a definition instead. If the answer is not typed in time, the user is prompted to copy the answer.
Teacher Tips
- The flashcard sets and accompanying exercises can be shared on social networking sites, linked and e-mailed, and embedded on a Web page or within a course management system, such as Moodle. Select how to share under the “Share this set” box.
- For help embedding a flashcard set on your course management system or class Web site, see the Embed Quizlet video tutorial
on the Quizlet Help page.
- For how-to instructions see the Quizlet Help
page, which has helpful screenshots and video tutorials.
More Ways
- Teachers can create classes and monitor students’ progress. To find out how to create and manage a class, see the links under Classes on the Quizlet Help page
- To see how you can create a graded test and follow your students’ progress, see the links under Teachers & Schools on the Quizlet Help
- There is also a Quizlet iPhone app available from iTunes.
- See the Teachers Page
for ideas on using the site.
Program Areas
- ABE: Adult Basic Education
- ESL: English as a Second Language
- ASE: High School Diploma
- AwD: Adults with Disabilities
- All Levels
- Beginning Literacy
- Beginning Low
- Beginning High
- Intermediate Low
- Intermediate High
- Advanced
Lesson Plan
Activity: Quick Vocabulary Brainstorm
- Students work in pairs to brainstorm and list as many words as they can related to the topic (e.g., food, animals, clothing).
- Each pair shares their list with the class. The teacher writes common words on the board to create a class vocabulary list.
Activity: Introduction to Flashcards and Quizlet
Description: Explain the purpose of learning vocabulary through interactive flashcards and introduce the Quizlet platform.
Interaction: Teacher shows Online Flashcard Maker from Quizlet and demonstrates how to navigate the site and use the flashcard features.
Activity: Teacher-Led Flashcard ReviewDescription:
- Using the Quizlet flashcard set, the teacher leads a whole-class review session.
- The teacher displays flashcards one by one, prompting students to call out definitions or terms. Flashcards can be shuffled, and audio can be enabled for pronunciation practice.
Activity: Individual and Pair Practice
Description: Students practice with the flashcard sets individually or in pairs using computers or tablets.
- As pairs, students choose between "Speller," "Learn," and "Test" modes on Quizlet to practice.
- Students can play the "Scatter" or "Space Race" games together, aiming to beat their classmates' times.
Vocabulary Quiz
Description: Administer a quiz using the Quizlet "Test" feature, which includes multiple-choice, True/False, writing, and matching questions.
Students complete the quiz individually. The teacher collects responses for evaluation and provides immediate feedback.
Activity: Collaborative Vocabulary Application
Description: Students create sentences or a short story using a set number of vocabulary words from the flashcard set.
Students work in small groups to write their sentences or stories.
Groups share their work with the class, and peers provide feedback.
- Quizlet instructions accessible.docx - Quizlet Instructions
- Basic Communication
- Communicate in interpersonal interactions
- Communicate regarding personal information
- Language Arts - Reading
- Comprehension
- Reading
- Vocabulary
- Reading
- CCR Anchor 4 - Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
- Language
- CCR Anchor 4 - Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.
- CCR Anchor 5 - Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
- CCR Anchor 6 - Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when encountering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.