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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

ESL: English as a Second Language

357 Results

21. Collaborative Story Writing with Emoji Random Generator

Activity Description

Assorted Emojis
Source: Pixabay by Pixaline (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])
Students work collaboratively to write a descriptive story from randomly-generated emojis. This is a team writing exercise intended for students to add details to their writing. 

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language, ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ASE: High School Diploma


Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Beginning Low, Beginning High, Advanced
22. Comparison Shopping with Online Department Store Sites

Activity Description

Students use web sites for department stores to find product information for similar products in order to compare prices and qualities of products at different stores so that they can make wise buying decisions.


Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language


Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced
23. Conservation Biology: Claim your Species Presentation

Activity Description

Brown Turtle Swimming Underwater
Source: Unsplash by Wexor TMG (License: CC0/Public Domain)
In this lesson, students practice listening comprehension with a video, discuss, and read about endangered species and efforts to prevent their extinction. The culminating assignment is a presentation about an endangered species.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language, ABE: Adult Basic Education


Intermediate, High, Intermediate High, Advanced
24. Creating a Job Cover Letter

Activity Description

Cover Letter
Source: unsplash by Unsplash (License: CC0/Public Domain)

Upon successful completion, students will be able to create an effective cover letter.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education, ESL: English as a Second Language, ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ASE: High School Diploma, CTE: Career Technical Education


All Levels, Intermediate High, Advanced
25. Creating a Personality Poem with Positive Adjectives

Activity Description

Word Cloud
Source: (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

Students will create a Personality Poem along with a word cloud which is uploaded to Padlet and commented on by others.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language, ABE: Adult Basic Education, ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation


Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced, All Levels, Intermediate, High
Total Resources: 357
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.