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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

ABE: Adult Basic Education

205 Results

86. Snappy Words: Definition Paragraph

Activity Description

Source: Snappywords (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

Students will use the Snappy Words Web site to help them define a term in the form of a paragraph.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education, ESL: English as a Second Language, ASE: High School Diploma


Low, Intermediate, High, All Levels, Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced
87. Snopes: Discovering the Truth Behind Urban Legends

Activity Description

Snopes website screenshot
Source: (License: CC0/Public Domain)

While learning about urban legends, students practice reading skills, summarizing and paragraphing in speaking and writing, and hone their abilities to view media critically. Students use Snopes, a site dedicated to fact-checking news stories, past events and urban legends, to read and take notes on an urban legends. 

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ABE: Adult Basic Education, ASE: High School Diploma, ESL: English as a Second Language


Intermediate, High, Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced
88. Teach with Movies: Amistad

Activity Description

Screenshot of Teach with Movies Amistad website
Source: (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

In this activity, students watch the movie, Amistad, which depicts the 1839 revolt by enslaved Africans aboard the ship, Le Amistad. A U.S. Navy vessel seized the ship and the abolitionists filed a court case to free the Africans. The trial and subsequent appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court brought out the evils of slavery to the public and was a major step in turning the North against the South.

There is a post-viewing enrichment worksheet provided which helps to guide the discussion. Discussions can be continued in class or online in a discussion forum.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ASE: High School Diploma, ABE: Adult Basic Education


All Levels
89. Teaching listening and speaking with Mote

Activity Description

Mote Extension
Source: Screenshot of Mote extension (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

Mote is a Chrome Extension that makes it easy for anyone to add voice notes and feedback to documents, assignments, and emails.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language, ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation, ABE: Adult Basic Education, ASE: High School Diploma


All Levels
90. TED Talks: The Psychology of Evil

Activity Description

Screenshot of TEDTalks The Psychology of Evil page
Source: (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])
In this activity, students watch a Ted Talks video of Philip Zimbardo followed by a discussion and student essay. His premise is that heroes are ordinary people whose social action is extraordinary, who act when others are passive. The video does have some graphic photos of abuse; however, TED Talks has removed the most graphic images. The video is 23 minutes long. Be sure to preview the video to be sure it is appropriate for your students.

Philip Zimbardo is a well-known professor of psychology at Stanford University and has created a series of videos , on different psychological topics. Be sure to check out other videos found on his YouTube channel.

Has EEE Lesson Plan

Program Areas

ASE: High School Diploma, ABE: Adult Basic Education


All Levels
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.