Activity Description
Ever wonder what some technology terms mean or what text shorthand represents in texts, tweets, or e-mails? Net Lingo seems to be a "one stop shop" for all tech terms and tech shorthand. You can browse their dictionary, you can look by category, they have a "word of the day" feature, and even an iPhone app for 99¢. Very useful tool in keeping up with technology for you and your students.
- Preview the site.
- Create a handout with text messages full of abbreviations.
- As an alternative, follow the above Example Document "Text Messaging Lesson Plan" from Cambridge. You may want to make some modifications to the handouts since there are British English terms used.
- Discuss online communication and how it is usually not correct English grammar or spelling.
- Display online e-mail or text messages (using abbreviations).
- Demonstrate how to use the Web site to look up words/acronyms/abbreviations.
- Distribute handout with messages for students to 'translate.'
Teacher Tips
This site is a good resource site, but needs practice to show how to use it.
Program Areas
- ABE: Adult Basic Education
- ESL: English as a Second Language
- ASE: High School Diploma
- Low
- Intermediate
- High
- Intermediate Low
- Intermediate High
- Advanced
Lesson Plan
Activity: Tech Talk Icebreaker
Objective: Engage students and introduce the topic of technology terms and text shorthand.
Instructions: (students work in pairs/teams and then share with the class)
- Begin with a brief discussion on the importance of understanding tech terms and text shorthand in modern communication.
- Ask students to share any tech terms or abbreviations they know and use frequently.
- Write a few of these terms on the board and discuss their meanings as a class.
Activity: Exploring Net Lingo
Objective: Familiarize students with the Net Lingo website and its features.
- Introduce Net Lingo as a comprehensive resource for tech terms and text shorthand.
- Explain the different features of the site, such as browsing by category, the "word of the day" feature, and the iPhone app.
- Highlight how this resource can be useful for both students and teachers.
- As you explore the site, have students throw out suggestions, discoveries
Activity: Demonstration of Net Lingo
Objective: Show students how to navigate and use Net Lingo to look up tech terms and abbreviations.
Instructions: (use student suggestions of terms they are interested in, or discussed in their pairs)- Demonstrate how to browse the dictionary, look up specific terms, and use the "word of the day" feature.
- Show how to find terms by category and how to use the search function.
Activity: Decoding Text Messages
Objective: As pairs, students practice using Net Lingo to decode abbreviations in text messages.
- Distribute the prepared handout with text messages full of abbreviations.
- Reading aloud: have students read the messages on the worksheet aloud to their pair.
- In pairs or small groups, have students use Net Lingo to 'translate' the messages into standard English.
- In pairs, students complete the comprehension questions on the worksheet
- Circulate the room to offer assistance and ensure students are using the website correctly.
Activity: Translation Challenge
Objective: Assess students' ability to use Net Lingo and understand tech terms and abbreviations.
- Conduct a quick, informal quiz where students translate a few new text messages or emails with abbreviations.
- Ask each pair or group to present one translated message to the class.
- Provide feedback and correct any misunderstandings.
Activity: Create Your Own Text Messages
Objective: Apply knowledge of tech terms and abbreviations in a practical context.
- Have students create their own text messages or emails using abbreviations and tech terms.
- Exchange messages with a partner and use Net Lingo to decode each other's messages.
- Share some examples with the class and discuss the decoded messages.
- Students bring text messages from home/friends for students to decode.
- Encourage students to explore Net Lingo on their own and bring new tech terms or abbreviations they find interesting to the next class.
- Integrate the use of tech terms and abbreviations in future lessons to reinforce learning.
- textmessagelesson_FINAL.pdf - Text Messaging Lesson Plan
- English Language Arts
- English 1-4
- Speech
- Reading
- Critical Thinking/Decision Making
- Vocabulary
- Reading
- CCR Anchor 1 - Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
- Speaking and Listening
- CCR Anchor 1 - Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
- Language
- CCR Anchor 3 - Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.