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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Employability Skills

17 records
Title Date Abstract
Adult career counseling in a new age 1994 The digest focuses on issues and implications of career counseling for adults in a time of economic, demographic, organizatio...
Adult career counseling: an interactive model 1987 A systematic approach can be useful in identifying and using all available resources for adult career counseling. A comprehe...
Adults in career transition 1991 This ERIC Digest reviews current thinking about what motivates adults to change careers and the concepts of life/career cycle...
Balancing work and family life 1991 The digest looks at some programs and practices in secondary home economics and career development and counseling for adults ...
Career development through self-renewal 1993 This ERIC Digest examines several perspectives on life cycles and change and presents strategies for negotiating change throu...
Career education and applied academics 1992 This ERIC Digest examines the relevance of career education and some effective practices including career guidance, youth app...
Career education for a global economy 1993 This ERIC Digest explores the preparation of people for further learning and productive employment in the modern global econo...
Emotional intelligence: keeping your job 1999 This alert reviews the rationale for promoting emotional intelligence as early as elementary school, and describes strategies...
Employability skills: an update 2000 The digest discusses the skills that employers want and how education and training programs can prepare youth and adults to e...
Employability -- the fifth basic skill 1990 The digest discusses the relevance of employability as a fifth basic skill (in addition to communication, mathematics, scienc...
Job search methods 1992 The ERIC Digest provides guidelines for preparing and for conducting a job search. Steps discussed include developing a resu...
Multicultural career education and development 1992 This ERIC Digest examines how career education and development can respond to the cultural diversity of school and workplace.
Multiple intelligences and career development 1999 This alert reviews the ways that use of multiple intelligence (MI) theory can assist the career development and counseling pr...
One-stop career centers 1999 This Digest provides background on the one-stop employment and training system, describes the experiences of early one-stop c...
Resolving ethical dilemmas in the workplace: a new focus for career development 1991 The digest looks at ethical dilemmas arising from the diverse, multicultural populations of workers in the United States. D...
Technological proficiency as a key to job security 1999 This alert reviews some of the trends and issues related to technological proficiency and its relationship to job security. R...
WIA implementation in California: findings and recommendations November 2006 The purpose of this report is to describe and assess how the federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) is being implemented at t...
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.