TDLS 2023 - Using Thinking Routines with Interactive Slides to Amplify Learning
Attendees will be shown a demonstration of a variety of Thinking Routines and Cooperative Learning Strategies using interactive slides such as Google Slides, PowerPoint, Jamboard, Pear Deck, Buncee, Mentimeter, and Nearpod. Strategies such as Think, Write, Pair, and Share, Notice/Wonder, Claim, Support Question, I Used to Think/Now I Think, 3-2-1 Bridge, and Take One Get One. Attendees will act as students as we go through each of these strategies using one of the interactive slide EdTech tools. To end the session, attendees will be given a set of templates to help them in their own classroom/education context to then build out a short mini-lesson using a series of strategies integrated with the interactive slide tool of their choice thereafter to use with their own students and school.
Matthew Rhoads, Education to Career of North San Diego County
DATE: 3/4/2023