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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

TDLS 2023 - Tips and Tricks for Canvas You May Not Know


In this demonstration session, attendees will be encouraged to follow along as they desire if they have a pre-existing Canvas course: Homepage including buttons that direct students where to start in the modules; syllabus that can be published to the public; menu in navigation to include fewer menu items to include a customized menu item with the redirect app; settings to select the number of announcements viewed at the top of the home page; page history and undelete to restore accidently changed/deleted items; inline files and embedded video and other online content; course copy without announcements; adaptive releases and checkboxes for items in modules; Speedgrader for text, voice, and video feedback on submissions; As time permits and as attendees’ Canvas accounts allow, using Canvas Studio for video assignments; Using the accessibility checker. These are all important tools and features that assist in customizable course design and benefit learners.

Kristi Reyes, OTAN

DATE: 3/3/2023

NOTE TO VIEWERS: This video has a few issues with color contrast in a few sections where graphics, or websites, are viewed. Although the content is not affected, there may be areas more difficult to see for those with vision impairments.

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.