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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Google Workspace for Education Apps Sessions / Series


These sessions provide tips on the apps, tools, and features found within the Google Workspace for Education productivity suite and how to use them in an adult education setting.

Basic use to advanced tips will be as well as collaboration, organization, and other features within each tool will be discussed, modeled, and practiced in workshop sessions. All sessions can be customized to meet the needs of the requesting agency including level, apps, and account types. Individual titles may may also be scheduled individually as a series where each session builds upon the last (i.e, part 1, 2, 3, etc.).

Series title and short descriptions include but are not limited to:

Applied Digital Skills: dives into how to setup and use Applied Digital skills. Topics can include but are not limited to setting up accounts, creating classes, filtering and finding lessons, features of lessons, accessing lesson plans and rubrics, connecting the lessons to an LMS (Classroom, Canvas, etc.), monitoring progress, and using individually.

G Mail - Using Effectively in Instruction: The inbox is the primary focus as well as how to organize, prioritize, and create settings and templates. Basics topics like attachment saving to advanced like automatically starring important conversations can be covered in addition to tasks, filters, snooze options, keyboard shortcuts, and other useful tools within Gmail. Safety is covered as well which could be scheduled as a separate session.

Google Calendar: this session covers calendar basics, advanced settings, and using Google Calendar as a communication tool with colleagues and students. Appointment blocks and other features may be covered depending on Google Workspace edition in use.

Google Classroom Series

Google Classroom 1: Basics and Beyond: begins with the basics of Google Classroom. Topics include: steps of creating classes, changing themes, class codes, assignment streams, adding topics, enrolling students, adding co-teachers, organizing streams, calendaring, grading, the grade book, how students turn in assignments, ideas on viewing a classroom as a student, and more. Homework may be assigned for succeeding parts of this series.

Google Classroom 2: Intermediate and Advanced: basic features are revisited then intermediate, and advanced topics are covered including: the teacher grade book, grading, status of assignments, tips on managing the class stream, duplicating assignments, archiving, adding form quizzes, share techniques, and tips for getting the most out of an online Classroom.

Google Classroom 3 - More!: an advanced session that builds upon the skills already in place or after an Intermediate session. Topics to be determined by the site PD coordinator or administrator.

Google Contacts: Along with creating contacts and contact groups for use in Gmail other aspects of contacts (export and import, for example) will be covered.

Google Drive and Docs: covers basics to advanced features of Drive including settings, finding and searching, differences in Shared and My Drive, uploads and converting files, downloading, organizing tips and tricks, and settings within Docs.

Google Forms and Quizzes: guides participants through creating and editing a Form, adding sections, using If/Then formats, and monitoring responses in a form or sheet. Participants will also be shown how to connect data to a sheet where submissions can be organized, sorted, reformatted and more.

Google Groups: provides discussion groups in a variety of ways. Create safe "communication boards" for colleagues or students to discuss specific or a wide-range of topics. The Groups service also provides a gateway to Usenet newsgroups via a shared user interface.

Google Meet: Google's own videoconference platform is available to most Google Workspace for Education. This session will cover creating and scheduling Meets, sharing options, and settings that teachers can use while conducting a Meet with their students or colleagues. Sites requesting this session must have access to Google Meet.

Google Slides and Draw: paired as one session or available as separate, participants will learn how to create educational content using Slides beyond a presentation tool. Templates, slide masters, accessibility compliance and using Slides as a publishing tool are also covered. Draw will cover how to format screenshots as well as create one's own images using the varied tools within the app. Guided-practice and examples of how to use Slides and Drawings with students and colleagues will be provided throughout.

Google Sheets: attendees will use simple filters as well as queries, complete simple and custom conditional formatting, and create and build basic to complex functions (aka formulas). As time allows tailoring templates and using more advanced functions with data, like layering conditional formatting will be discussed, modeled and practiced.

Google Sites Series

Google Sites 1: Beginning the Build: This session will allow for hands-on practice building a web site between watching the process by a trainer. At the end of the online session, all participants will have built their own functional web site with at least 2 pages, links to resources and documents that can be shared with students or colleagues.

Google Sites 2: Connecting More Resources: this session revisits a few basics then continues to intermediate and advanced Google site-building functions. Themes, pages, adding resources as well as layouts and design principals will be revisited and discussed. The main focus will be adding resources: from other sites, Google Drive, attaching files, and embeds.

Google Sites 3: Continuing the Build and Unveiling: an optional session to continue building a Google site which can also include a critiquing session by participants.

Google Workspace for EDU: this session provides a general overview of Google Workspace for Education. Topics include G mail, Drive, Classroom, Meet, and others as designated by the requesting agency. Please note, only sites that use district Google accounts may schedule and all attendees must have and use a district Google account (aka: "Club" account).

Using Chrome Browser: this session will include basics like Chrome layout, changing settings, inherent tools, switching between accounts, grouping tabs, and naming windows. Security, sharing, bookmarks, reading list, and extensions can also be covered as time allows.

What's New in Google?: is akin to a "Tech Slam" these sessions view and review new features of Google Workspace for Education and how they can be used in Adult Education. Session types are facilitated in different ways. Hands-on time is given to practice between feature updates to online and in-service workshops. Presentation sessions are fast and furious and participants will be advised not to follow along but to wait for handout links.


All participants must have basic computer skills and know their logon information for a public Google ( or Google Workspace for Education ( account. Additional requirements may apply depending on the session.


OTAN Certificates of Attendance are awarded only for workshop sessions to those that are pre-registered and attend at least 75% of the scheduled time.

For more detailed session descriptions or customization options for titles, contact

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.