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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Google Sites Sessions / Series




Creating a website used to be very involved, time consuming, and special skills and knowledge were required - that changed dramatically with the online variety of website builders. Creating a website using the Google sites builder allows the user to select from themes, choose different layouts, add pages and more. 

These session will guide participants in creating a website for adult education classes or resources. Participants will be given Guidelines for Building a Website, and start the a site building process, including: apply and manipulate a theme, add pages and subpages, create menus, and use different layouts. Adding resources like calendars, videos, links to other sites, forms, and shared files will be covered. Other related topics will be covered including domains, sharing, student portfolio sites, and other topics as they arise.

Each session title can be scheduled as a standalone event or requested as a series where titles are scheduled as separate events. Titles, listed in recommended order, include but are not limited to: 

Google Sites 1: Beginning the Build: This session will allow for hands-on practice building a web site between watching the process by a trainer. At the end of the online session, all participants will have built their own functional web site with at least 2 pages, links to resources and documents that can be shared with students or colleagues.

Google Sites 2: Connecting More Resources: this session revisits a few basics then continues to intermediate and advanced Google site-building functions. Themes, pages, adding resources as well as layouts and design principals will be revisited and discussed. The main focus will be adding resources: from other sites, Google Drive, attaching files, and embeds.

Google Sites 3: Continuing the Build and Unveiling: an optional session to continue building a Google site which can also include a critiquing session by participants.


All participants must have basic computer skills, be somewhat familiar with Google Drive, and know their logon information for a public Google ( or Google Workspace for Education ( account. Additional requirements may apply depending on the session.


OTAN Certificates of Attendance are awarded only for workshop sessions to those that are pre-registered and attend at least 75% of the scheduled time.

For more detailed session descriptions or customization options for titles, contact

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.