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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

February 2019

Professional Development

Online Workshops and Webinars from OTAN offers short, online workshops to meet the demands of busy adult educators as well as longer hands-on workshops where an OTAN trainer is at your site to conduct the workshop. Check the California Adult Education Professional Development Calendar and search for workshops sponsored by OTAN. Don't miss any!

OTAN's Face-to-Face Workshops:

Having problems or just don't know where to start using technology in your classroom or adult education program? Use OTAN as a professional development provider! OTAN offers no-cost, three-hour, hands-on workshops to all WIOA-funded adult education programs. With a wide-variety of technology topics in their arsenal, OTAN training staff will go to any WIOA-funded site with a computer lab to facilitate a hands-on workshop for adult education staff. The list of topics changes as technology changes so you are never getting out-dated information. If there is a technology topic not listed that your staff needs assistance with, contact OTAN to discuss creating a new workshop to meet that need. Check out some of the most requested workshops below and then look at the list of over 25 workshops that OTAN currently offers:

  • Moodle: Create a Course Website
  • Chromebooks for Adult Education
  • Internet Safety and Digital Literacy
  • Google Classoorm in Adult Education
  • Google Tools and Drive
  • Mobile Devices in Adult Education
  • OER's: Open Educational Resources
  • Social Media for Adult Education

And remember - all OTAN workshops are free! Read more about OTAN Training and select Face-to-Face or Online workshop options to view complete workshop lists including descriptions and prerequisites.

Spotlight On ...

Adult Education Students Succeed!

The nomination period for the 2019 Adult Education Students Succeed Program is now open. OTAN invites nominations of adult education learners who are successful as a result of the education received at California WIOA-funded adult education agencies. This is a great way to recognize the hard work that an outstanding student has completed in the pursuit of their personal, academic, and professional goals and aspirations.

To get started, visit the Adult Education Students Succeed website at On the home page, you can read stories and watch videos from previous years under the Students tab. You can also explore stories from specific adult education agencies and programs under the Schools and Programs tabs.

Select the About tab and learn how to nominate a student for the program. Pay special attention to the five-point rubric at the bottom of the page that will be used to score each nomination that the review panel will read. A nomination must secure a minimum score for the student’s story and photo to be included on the website. Students who get the top two scores from all nominations will each have a video story produced and will be invited to the 2019 ACSA Leadership Summit in November for a special recognition honoring successful students across California.

To nominate a student, click on the Nomination tab to complete an online nomination form. Once the nomination is successfully submitted, you will receive confirmation from OTAN. The last day to nominate a student for consideration is Monday, April 15.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Anthony Burik at or call our office at 916-228-2580. We look forward to learning more about the inspiring students you have helped at your adult ed agencies!

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.