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Exit Tickets - A Simple Way to Do Formative Assessment

Posted on 08/16/2019

Clipart image of a hand holding a blank ticket
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

When we think about assessment, we usually think about the unit test or quiz that gets graded and recorded after instruction.  There are other assessments we can use in the class, though, that will also yield useful data to help us determine what our students know and where their understanding falls short. One of those assessments is known as an exit ticket.

An exit ticket is an assessment that is administered at the very end of the class. It is a way to prompt students to reflect on the lesson and activities that you just covered that day in class. You can simply use a piece of paper that students turn in as they walk out the door, or you can take advantage of technology for your exit ticket by having students complete a Google Form, for example.

If you are using exit tickets for the first time, the article Exit Tickets as Formative Assessment in a Blended Learning Classroom by Rose Tran has some sample questions that you can use:

  • What three things did you learn from today’s lesson?

  • What are you most confused about from today’s lesson?

  • What questions do you have about what you learned today?

Once you have the exit tickets collected, it is important to then sort the results into categories that help you see what the students understand and where you can clarify misunderstanding or reteach if necessary. Rose uses a system with stoplight colors to do this: Green/Good to Go, Yellow/Quick Check, and Red/Teacher Help. Yellow and Red become the areas that you need to address the next day, through small group and one-on-one instruction. She also suggests other resources, like posters or handouts, that can be available to address ongoing content items that students need refreshers on throughout the term.

Exit tickets are a good strategy to help you dive into student understanding and where they need additional instruction. Don’t leave all your assessment to final tests and quizzes – use exit tickets to maximize your teaching for understanding.

Article: Exit Tickets as Formative Assessment in a Blended Learning Classroom from Edgenuity

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