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Questions to Ask About Tech Integration in Your Classroom

Posted on 11/23/2020

15 Questions to Ask About Your Tech IntegrationImage From

This has been an overwhelming year for many adult education students, teachers, staff members, and schools, but hopefully the longer we continue teaching and working online, the more thoughtful we become in using technology to plan, instruct, assess, and work with students and the better we become in doing so.

With so many technology options available to us, we want to be intentional in selecting the right technology for any given activity or moment. A good way to go about doing this is to answer a number of questions about the tech tools you are considering using. In his article 15 Questions To Ask About Tech Integration In Your Classroom, Drew Perkins provides a list of questions to ask yourself and your colleagues as you select the tools you and others will use in your online instruction and work. You'll notice that the questions really ask you to think primarily about teaching and andragogy as you choose between tools (or not) that you will use.

  1. Will this help all students think and learn more deeply?

  2. Will this tech lead to non-productive struggle and frustration?

  3. Will my students find this tech boring after the initial exposure?

  4. How will this tech empower students to control their own learning?

  5. Is this a toy or a tool?

  6. How long will this tech be relevant and supported?

  7. Does this tech prevent great "analog" thinking and learning?

  8. Have I started with purpose and andragogy instead of the tech?

  9. Will all students be able to access and leverage this tech?

  10. How does this tech align with my school and class mission and vision?

  11. What level(s) of Bloom's Taxonomy does this help students access?

  12. Is this the best tech to prepare students for the modern world?

  13. Will this tech threaten student security?

  14. How might I combine this tech with other tools to grow learning?

  15. What will you do when this tech doesn't work?

In the article, Perkins dives into each of these questions and invites us to think of other questions that can help guide our choice of technology. Hopefully, these questions will help you think carefully about the tech tools that can be a part (or not) of your online work.

Article: 15 Questions To Ask About Tech Integration In Your Classroom

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.