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Integrated Education and Training: A Career Pathways Policy & Practice

Posted on 07/03/2017

This report by Judy Mortrude, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), published in April 2017 summarizes the findings of a national survey of adult education providers that the Center for Law and Social Policy and the Texas Workforce Commission conducted to learn more about Integrated Education and Training (IET) models, funding mechanisms, and partnerships across the country. The report discusses the role of IET in career pathways, specifically under Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and demonstrates the opportunities that IET provides to the most vulnerable adult learners.


The guide includes resources and tools from organizations dedicated to advancing IET efforts, such as the Building Opportunities through English Literacy and Civics Education project , to help state and local providers implement new Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) programs under WIOA.

Source: LINCS: Career Pathways Exchange Digest: June 2017 Vol. 1

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