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Teaching Strategies for Auditory Learners

Posted on 04/18/2023


Who Are Auditory Learners?

Have you noticed students who best follow verbal instructions rather than those written down? Auditory learners are those people who learn best through sound and make up about 30% of the entire population. These learners tend to enjoy read alouds instead of silent book reading for example. An audio element makes learning enjoyable for these types of learners and they best retain information with audio like podcasts or listening to lectures, and have a talent for explaining ideas verbally. An auditory learner struggles with a silent classroom or background noise that is "forced" on them.

For more information on auditory learning: What is Auditory Learning (Audio Based Learning)?

What Strategies Work Best for an Auditory Learner?

  1. Background music helps auditory learners, so it may be helpful to allow them access to their headphones and music.

  2. Begin lessons with lectures, discussions, or recorded notes. Auditory learners appreciate spoken instruction and love to exchange ideas and information.

  3. Use text-to-speech or audiobooks because they learn best from oral input rather than reading assignments.

  4. Use closing discussions or casual conversations around the lesson so they may comprehend their learning through healthy exchanges with classmates.

  5. Use educational videos to build background knowledge and understanding of a new topic.

Each person’s dominant learning preference ranges from kinesthetic, visual, physical, and auditory. With different experiences, a person could use many of these at once; however, educators should consider these varying learning styles when planning instruction. This video can help identify different learning styles.

Full Article: Teaching Strategies for Auditory Learners

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