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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.


1. Enhancing Adult Education with Ethical AI: Using with Students
by Susan Gaer, Subject Matter Expert, OTAN
Posted March 2024


Career Technical Education, ESL and Citizenship, High School and GED, Holidays, Older Adults, Adult Basic Education


Introduction: In the February article, "Streamline Planning with AI: Craft Custom Lessons," Susan Coulter detailed how teachers can harness the power of AI through platforms like Chat GPT and Google Bard to streamline their lesson planning. However, the transformative potential of AI in education extends beyond the classroom. In this article, we will explore how adult education students can ethically and responsibly leverage AI to enhance their language and content development.
2. Streamline Planning with AI: Craft Custom Lessons
by OTAN SME Susan Coulter
Posted February 2024


Career Technical Education, ESL and Citizenship, High School and GED, Holidays, Older Adults, Adult Basic Education


Every district has their own format for writing lesson plans, and I remember it being a manual and time-intensive process. Typically, this involves crafting lesson objectives, carefully choosing, arranging, and presenting different activities to address a particular learning goal.
3. Thanksgiving Sites
Posted November 2017




Here are some great sites to teach students about the Thanksgiving holiday.
4. Veterans Day
Posted September 2017


Adult Basic Education, Older Adults, ESL and Citizenship, High School and GED, Holidays


Here are some Web sites to check into for more on Veterans Day events and information. Appropriate for High School/GED, ESL and Older adults.
5. Women's History Month
Posted September 2017




Women's history month
6. Web Sites for Teaching and Learning about Thanksgiving
by Kristi Reyes
Posted September 2017


Adult Basic Education, ESL and Citizenship, Holidays


There are abundant myths about the history of Thanksgiving. You can help students learn about this original American holiday and untangle facts from fiction by planning lessons with or simply including online activities using the sites in this month's Web Based Activity.
Total Web-Based Class Activities: 6
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.