What I Learned About Browsers and the Web
Activity Description
This is an online book (61 pages) about various aspects of browsers, the Internet, cloud computing, cookies, privacy, security, malware, and phishing. The reading level is about 6th grade. It can be covered in small chunks (20) and integrated into your everyday skills and competencies.
This is an excellent resource for an elective class about computers. It can also be used to get students to understand the computer vocabulary used today. Read the online book before using it with your students.
- Make sure that the site is not blocked at your school and that the book can be viewed in your classroom.
- Decide if you want to use the whole book or only certain pages.
- Review each topic in the book and make a list of vocabulary words students will need to know.
Teacher Tips
Present one or two topics a week throughout the semester to give students the needed background on browsers and the Web.
Program Areas
- ASE: High School Diploma
- ABE: Adult Basic Education
- ESL: English as a Second Language
- ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation
- CTE: Career Technical Education
- AwD: Adults with Disabilities
- All Levels
- Beginning High
- Intermediate Low
- Intermediate High
- Advanced
Lesson Plan
- Introduce the topic and have students discuss what they already know about the topic in small groups.
- Lead a whole-class discussion having each group share what it knows about the topic. Write this information on the board.
- Pre-teach selected vocabulary.
- Direct students to the Web site and specific topic (thing).
- Model how to take notes on key points in the reading, if necessary.
- Have students read silently, taking notes on the key points.
- Walk around the room offering assistance as needed.
- Have them share and discuss their notes in small groups.
- Collect their notes at the end of the activity to validate and identify gaps in learning. Follow up as needed. Be sure to return their notes before the next activity
- Lead a whole-class discussion about the reading and how they can use it in their everyday lives.
- Write key points on the board.
- page examples for Intro to Computer.doc - Page Examples
- 20 Things I Learned.png - Image of Forward to 20 Things I Learned
- Electives
- Intro to Computers
- Employment
- Effectively use common workplace tools and technology
- Language Arts - Reading
- Comprehension
- Learning and Thinking Skills
- Demonstrate study skills
- Demonstrate the ability to use information and communication technology
- Reading
- Consumer Skills
- Employability
- Vocabulary
CTE Sectors
- Information and Communication Technologies
CTE Anchor Standards
- Anchor Standard 4: Technology - Writing Standard: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments and information.
- Anchor Standard 10: Technical Knowledge and Skills - Writing Standard: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.
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