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Google Calendar: Create an Online Calendar Using Google Calendar


Activity Description

To save paper, be more mobile, and store a calendar online, use a Google account to make a Google calendar, which you can share with students, access from your cellphone, and even set up to have event reminders sent to you via e-mail or text messaged to your cellphone. .For a full description of features and details about the many Google calendar capabilities, including adding events, sharing your calendar, and sending event invitations, see Google Calendar Support [www].

You and your students will need free Google accounts to be able to share information. Because registered users can have multiple calendars, teachers can set up different calendars for specific classes and share homework assignments, test dates, and project due dates with students. Within your instructional program, you can schedule meetings with colleagues or coordinate computer lab schedules, for example. Of course the calendars can be printed out, too.


  1. To get started, follow the Web Site Example link to create an account (it is free)
  2. Preview the steps to create a calendar and how to use Google Calendar in general
  3. Go to YouTube and watch the various videos available on how to use Google Calendar if that would be helpful.
  4. Use the Example Document for a student assignment for students to answer questions about Google Calendar, create a calendar, add events, reminders and sync their calendar. Create several calendars showing different ways to use the features.


  1. Review goal setting and SMART goals. Keeping a personal calendar assists students in accomplishing their goals.
  2. If students do not have gmail accounts go to Susan Coulter's video [www] on setting up a Gmail account.
  3. Demonstrate how to make a calendar using Google Calendar.
  4. Break class into pairs/groups. Students can use the Example Document to answer questions about how to use Calendar, and prepare a personal calendar. Have student pairs prepare a class calendar for the upcoming month showing holidays, class events etc.
  5. Assign students to create a personal calendar for the upcoming month.

Teacher Tips

  • Google calendar allows so much more than just keeping track of dates. Explore and share the various ways to use the calendar having class events be shared, signups for availability for class parties, group assignments, etc.

Program Areas

  • ABE: Adult Basic Education


  • Low
  • Intermediate
  • High
  • All Levels



  • Reading
    • Critical Thinking/Decision Making
    • Learning to Learn


calendar,drive,gmail,google,Google Calendar,SMART goals,sync,timebound,timely
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.