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Math Fact Cafe: Math facts, flashcards, and problem worksheet generation tool


Activity Website:

Activity Description

Math Fact Cafe provides math fact sheets, flashcards, and online practice for students. The focus of the site is on math taught in the elementary grades K-5, but can be used with ABE students. You can access hundreds of pre-generated math sheets or create custom sheets to meet a student's specific needs.


  1. Preview site to see how it functions. At this site it is possible to use their pre-generated worksheets or make your own.
  2. Create some free worksheets using the "Fact Sheets - Build It" tools or for even faster worksheets, use the "Fact Sheets - Pre-Made" section.
  3. Print and distribute to students for practice.
  4. If you want students to work with the math flashcards, identify which activities you want them to work on in that section and provide the Web site address so they can work online.


  1. Discuss need for constant practice in math. Demonstrate site. Do some of the online activities together.
  2. Distribute worksheets to students who need additional practice in basic math skills. They can also work on them at home.

Teacher Tips

  • To find information on their copyright policies, select "Company" and "About" once you are on their home page.
  • The story problems worksheets are particularly useful. They are shown under the "Worksheet Generators" section.
  • The games found on this site do not have a math focus, so you may want to avoid them. Also do not click on the big "Download" button on the "Congeal" game as that is an advertisement and may put unwanted software on your computer. It is not part of the game. (You can tell this when you let your mouse hover over the button.) This may be something important to teach your students as well.
  • If you need more help using Math Fact Cafe, there are 5 videos on YouTube new window. The site has changed a bit since these videos were made, but the items discussed are still available on the site. They may just be in a different location.

Program Areas

  • ABE: Adult Basic Education


  • Low
  • Intermediate


  • Math
    • Decimals
    • Fractions
    • Whole Number Skills


math, addition,basic math,division,drill sheets,math facts,math worksheets,mathfactcafe,multiplication,story problems,subtraction,word problems
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.