Shodor Interactivate: Estimating Quiz
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Activity Website:
Activity Description
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The Interactivate site has three different activities using the skill of estimating. This activity allows the user to practice estimating the results of addition, multiplication, and percentage problems. Questions are categorized by a combination of levels (which determines the difficulty) and by types of problems listed. The math involved is addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Preview the site so you understand how it works. Use the Help tab if available. Be prepared to demo for students. Be sure your browser has the Java plug-in to be able to work with the interactive activities.
- You may want to start with the discussion of estimation (see Making Estimates
) so be prepared to offer common methods of estimation.
- If you decide to use any of the lessons (shown below) under "More Ways" you may need to print some of the worksheets found in the lessons.
- Explain the concept of estimating. Encourage the students to try to estimate rather than trying to compute the values exactly.
- Discuss how estimation is not as accurate as calculation and therefore is not always the best way to go. Discuss when it would be appropriate and when it might not.
- Explain the difference between close, really close, and almost perfect (almost perfect is the most accurate).
- Suggest that the students eventually increase the difficulty level.
Teacher Tips
- This activity can be used to:
- Introduce students to the uses and limits of estimation
- Reinforce understanding of addition, multiplication, and percentage problems involving large numbers
- This activity would work well with students working individually for about 25-30 minutes if you use the exploration questions and 15-20 minutes otherwise.
More Ways
Check the related resources (estimation) under the instructor's tab. Here is the list:
- Making Estimates
- Estimation
- Estimating with Fire
- Estimation
(Elementary Lesson)
- Estimator
- Estimator Four
- More or Less Estimator
- Comparison Estimator
Program Areas
- ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation
Lesson Plan
- Discussion: Initiate a discussion on estimation. Ask students to share instances where they have used estimation in their daily lives.
- Introduction to Estimation: Explain the concept of estimation. Highlight its importance in everyday situations and problem-solving.
- Overview of Activities: Introduce the Interactivate site and explain that it contains activities focused on estimating in addition, multiplication, and percentage problems.
- Demonstration: Briefly demonstrate how to navigate the Interactivate site and access the activities.
- Explain Estimation Techniques:
- Rounding: Discuss how rounding numbers can simplify calculations.
- Front-End Estimation: Explain the method of estimating by focusing on the most significant digits.
- Compatible Numbers: Show how choosing numbers that are easy to work with can aid in estimation.
- Accuracy Levels:
- Close: An estimate that is reasonably accurate but not exact.
- Really Close: An estimate that is very near to the exact value.
- Almost Perfect: An estimate that is nearly indistinguishable from the exact value.
- Interactive Activities: Students will access the Interactivate site and engage in the estimation activities.
- Addition Estimation: Practice estimating sums.
- Multiplication Estimation: Practice estimating products.
- Percentage Estimation: Practice estimating percentages.
2. Guided Practice: Monitor students as they work, providing assistance and feedback as needed.
- Review and Discuss: Gather the class and discuss their experiences with the activities.
- What methods did they find most helpful?
- Were there any challenges they faced?
- Assessment: Collect the completed worksheets or have students share their results and methods used to estimate.
- Individual Work: Students will complete a series of estimation problems using the skills they practiced.
- Provide worksheets if necessary to reinforce learning.
- Challenge: Encourage students to gradually increase the difficulty level of the problems.
- Shodor Interactivate Estimator.png - Screenshot of Shodor Interactivate Estimator
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- 1.OA.2 - Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
- 3.OA.1-4 - Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
- 4.OA.5 - Generate and analyze patterns.
- The Number System
- 6.NS.1 - Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.
- 7.NS.1-3 - Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
estimate, estimating, estimation, multiplication, multiply, percentage, percents, rate, Shodor, Shodor Interactivate, add, addition