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English Banana Worksheets


Activity Description

This Web site has more than 3000 printable worksheets for beginning and intermediate ABE students as well as online word, number, and puzzle games. There is something here for just about every need in language development. There are also some MP3 files for listening activities.


  1. Visit the Web site to view the lists of free downloadable worksheets.
  2. Select worksheets of interest that are appropriate to your class.
  3. Download and print the worksheets.


The how-to's will vary by the activity you choose. Just be sure to preview and make copies of any activity worksheets necessary to supplement your topic.

Teacher Tips

Check all of the resources carefully. Not all files are downloadable at the present time. Some are online activities.

Program Areas

  • ABE: Adult Basic Education


  • Low
  • Intermediate


  • Reading
    • Consumer Skills
    • Vocabulary
  • Writing
    • Basic Sentences


grammar, listening, reading, speaking, writing, adjectives, adverbs, alphabet, classroom materials, comparatives, comprehension, conditionals, conversation, countable nouns, dates, days of the week, determiners, discussion questions, months, multi-level, practice, practice, printable resources, pronouns, role plays, sentences, spelling, superlatives, telling time, transportation, uncountable nouns, verbs, vocabulary, word search, worksheets, writing alphabet, activities
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.