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Khan Academy: Linear Equations


Activity Description

Solving Basic Equations & Inequalities
Source: Solving Basic Equations & Inequalities activity page (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

In this activity, students learn about linear equations through a series of videos. The video tutorials can be used to enhance classroom instruction, to help a student needing remediation, or for extended student practice at home.

The Khan Academy is filled with video presentations on a multitude of math subjects and worked examples of math problems.

It is organized according to math Subject: Algebra then Topic: Solving linear equations. Then under this more focused topic, there are many other choices. For instance, a student can review or be introduced to the Order of Operations and how important this is in solving complex math problems.


  1. Preview the video.
  2. Match it to pages in the student's math book for exercises to be done by the students.

More Ways

  • Assign the video to be viewed at home and the homework problems done in class the next day. (Reverse lessons)
  • If you would like to assign some online practice for students, select Practice in the site's header menu. Then select from the many online activities presented here by topic. In the left-hand menu you can Show or Hide All the activities or you can use the graphical map to make activity choices. You can also move the map around by using your mouse to click, hold, and drag the map (anywhere except on the activity dots themselves.)

Program Areas

  • ASE: High School Diploma
  • ABE: Adult Basic Education
  • ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation


  • Intermediate
  • High

Lesson Plan


Objective: Engage students and activate prior knowledge about basic algebraic concepts.


    • Begin with a brief class discussion on students' previous experiences with algebra.
    • Pose a few simple algebraic questions (e.g., solving for x in 2x + 3 = 7) on the board.
    • Have students discuss their approaches and solutions in small groups, then share them with the class.

Objective: Introduce the topic of linear equations and set the context for the lesson.


    • Explain linear equations and why they are important in math and real-life situations.
    • Show a short introductory video from Khan Academy on solving linear equations to capture students' interest.

Objective: Provide clear and thorough instruction on solving linear equations using multiple methods.


    • Play a series of video tutorials from Khan Academy on solving linear equations.
    • Pause the videos at key points to emphasize important concepts and ask students questions to check for understanding.
    • Match video content to the student's math book pages and provide guided practice with examples.

Objective: Allow students to apply what they've learned through interactive and collaborative practice.


  • In pairs, have students solve a set of linear equations on a worksheet.
  • Incorporate a collaborative activity where students create and solve linear equations for each other.
  • Use the Khan Academy's online practice exercises, having students work individually on laptops/tablets and then discuss their answers in small groups.

Objective: Assess students' understanding and provide feedback.


    • Conduct a quick formative assessment using a quiz or exit ticket where students solve a few linear equations.
    • Provide immediate feedback and discuss com

Objective: Encourage students to apply their knowledge to new situations and deepen their understanding.


  • Assign students to create a real-life problem that involves solving a linear equation, and then solve it.
  • Have students present their problems and solutions to the class, explaining the steps they took and why.



  • Math
    • Algebra
    • Calculus
    • Geometry
    • Math Electives
    • Trigonometry


  • Algebra: Seeing Structure in Expressions
    • A.SSE.3-3a - Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems.
  • Algebra: Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities
    • A.REI.1-2 - Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning.


area, audio assist, concepts, decimals, division, equations, estimation, explicit instruction, exponents, formulas, fractions, functions, geometric shapes, geometry, graphing, Khan, Khan Academy, math vocabulary, measurement, metric, multiplication, percents word-problems, perimeter, pre-algebra, proportions, Pythagorean Theorem, ratios, roots, rounding, scientific notation, slope, subtraction, visual presentation, addition, algebra, angles

AI Reference

ChatGPT was used to reformat this lesson and create worksheet
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.