Teaching English by the BBC: Pronunciation of Simple Past Tense Verbs
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Activity Description
This is an activity to help students consider the differences in pronunciation of regular simple past tense verbs. It allows students to find the solutions themselves, making the language more memorable. Students particularly enjoy this activity as everybody has a chance to try out the sounds.Preparation
- Print out the Verb Cards [pdf] with a regular simple past-tense verb on each. Make sure they are large enough to be seen from the back of the room.
- As an alternate if you have a computer, projector, and PowerPoint software, you could use the PowerPoint above to display the words, one per slide.
- If you want students to work independently on the classification portion of this activity, you would need to place a copy of the Word document (above) on each computer and show them how to drag & drop using Word. Be sure they know how to print.
- Visit the Web site link above to see the procedures. To integrate more technology, you can use the Word document we have provided using the instructors computer and a projector in lieu of pasting the words on the board. Students can "drag and drop" each of the text boxes under the appropriate column. You may have to teach them how to select the text box and move it without stretching the box.
- If you wanted to use this as an individual activity in a lab setting, you could place a copy of the Word document on each computer and let students work independently, putting the words in the proper columns and when they are finished, they could print the document and turn it in.
Teacher Tips
An Interactive Whiteboard would be a great alternative to using the PowerPoint and Word Doc.Program Areas
- ESL: English as a Second Language
- Beginning Low
- Beginning High
- Intermediate Low
- PastSimpleVerbs.ppt - Past Simple Verbs PowerPoint
- Past_Simple_Verbs.doc - Past Simple Verbs Word Doc that can be used for drag & drop
speaking, BBC,grammar practice,interactive white board,interactive whiteboard,IWB,past tense,printable,printable materials,pronunciation,regular verbs,simple past,simple past tense,Teaching English by the BBC,white board,whiteboard