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Inner Body: Heart and Cardiovascular System


Activity Description

Heart and Cardiovascular System
Source: (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

In this activity, students explore the heart and cardiovascular system. InnerBody provides students with an interactive exploration of the anatomy of the human body. Nine body systems are illustrated. Some images are animated, and the site is searchable.



  1. Check to be sure the site is not blocked.
  2. Preview the site so you know how it works.
  3. Prepare a pre-test assessment to see what area of the anatomy you should focus your study.
  4. Decide if this is going to be studied as a class or by an individual student.
  5. Create a cloze exercise for individual study and print copies.


  1. On the left, select one of the anatomy terms from the list.
  2. Read the written information about the part and at the same time, the location in the human body interactive picture. Students can learn about the purpose, function, and interaction between the various parts of the human anatomy in a more interactive way.
  3. You could assign teams or pairs of students to study a particular "system" of the body and report back to the rest of the class on what they studied. They could even present a PowerPoint of their chosen area of study.

Teacher Tips

There are several well-disguised ads on this site, so you should teach your students how to identify an "ad" versus part of the site and to avoid selecting them, as they can lead to problems with malware.

More Ways

  • Using the "More" drop-down menu, your students can also find out about Fitness, Nutrition, and Careers in Health.
  • Take the Tour to learn how to use the site more effectively.
  • Use a computer and projector to learn about the human body as part of a class exercise. 

Program Areas

  • ASE: High School Diploma
  • CTE: Career Technical Education

Lesson Plan

  • Objective: Activate students' prior knowledge about the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Activity:
    • Begin with a brief group discussion where students are asked to share what they know about the heart and its functions.
    • Display a simple diagram of the heart and ask students to label as many parts as possible. This can be done individually or in pairs to promote collaboration.
    • Pose a question: "How do you think the heart connects to the rest of the body?"
  • Objective: Introduce students to the interactive website and provide an overview of the lesson.
  • Activity:
    • Explain that students will explore the cardiovascular system using the InnerBody website, which provides interactive visuals and information on the anatomy of the human body.
    • Demonstrate how to navigate the website using a projector and guide students through the main sections of the cardiovascular system.
    • Show them how to identify non-essential elements (such as ads) and emphasize caution while browsing.
  • Objective: Provide information and demonstrate the key concepts about the cardiovascular system.
  • Activity:
    • Use the website’s interactive tools to explore the heart's structure, including its chambers, valves, and blood vessels.
    • Highlight the purpose, function, and interactions between these parts.
    • Have students follow along on their own devices or projected on the classroom screen, taking notes on each section.
    • Encourage them to use the "More" section to explore related topics like fitness and nutrition, connecting this to the cardiovascular system
Engagement Enhancement
  • Objective: Allow students to apply their knowledge in an interactive and collaborative setting.
  • Activity:
    • Group Exploration: Divide the class into small groups or pairs. Assign each group a part of the cardiovascular system (e.g., the heart, blood vessels, blood flow). Each group will use the InnerBody website to gather information about their assigned topic.
    • Reporting Back: Each group prepares a short, engaging presentation or PowerPoint to explain their part of the system to the rest of the class. Include visuals and key functions.
    • Interactive Quiz: After each group presents, hold a quick, interactive quiz to test students' comprehension. Use tools like Kahoot or Quizlet to make it engaging.
  • Objective: Assess students' understanding of the cardiovascular system.
  • Activity:
    • Administer a short post-assessment in the form of a quiz or a cloze exercise related to the cardiovascular system.
    • Ask students to complete a quick exit ticket: "One thing I learned about the heart today is..." to check for understanding.
Enhancement Extension
  • Objective: Connect the lesson to real-world applications and health.
  • Activity:
    • Discuss how knowledge of the cardiovascular system is important for personal health and fitness.
    • Introduce students to the Fitness and Nutrition sections on the InnerBody website. Assign them to explore one of these topics for homework, connecting it to how they can improve or maintain their cardiovascular health.



  • Science
    • Biology
    • General Science
    • Health and Life Science

CTE Sectors

  • Health Science and Medical Technology

CTE Anchor Standards

  • Anchor Standard 1: Academics - Analyze and apply appropriate academic standards required for successful industry sector pathway completion leading to postsecondary education and employment. Refer to the industry sector alignment matrix for identification of standards.
  • Anchor Standard 6: Health and Safety - Reading Standards for Science and Technical Subjects: Determine the meaning of symbols, key words, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context.


aorta, arteries, body, cardiovascular, heart, human body, inner body, veins
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.