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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Job Exploration


Elisia Doonan
Tech Product/Equipment:
Computer and projector, Projector for students to see computer, or a whiteboard

Activity Description

This activity helps learner's priorize their goals for seeking employment.


  1. Check the website to ensure it is not blocked at your site.
  2. Read through the lesson plan.
  3. Print and make copies of any handouts.


This is a simple presentation of ideas for short and long term goals for job readiness.

Teacher Tips

Hopefully you may have already discussed topics such as, 

-how to look for a job

-dress for an interview

-elevator speech/pitch

-job fair /career fair

These goals maybe related to all of those topics.

Program Areas

  • AwD: Adults with Disabilities


  • Beginning Literacy

Lesson Plan


Instructor would ask these questions:

How many of you like money? 

Are any looking for a job?

What can a job do for you?


Engagement Enhancement

Following those questions, the instructor can take each question and write it on a whiteboard.

Students can answer and instructor fill in the responses.

In conclusion, the instructor can follow - up with a PPT, about goal setting.

Engagement Enhancement Extension

The instructor can present this PPT.

Job Exploration

Engagement Enhancement Extension

Instructor will follow through on PPT. Always asking for comprehension from students.

Engagement Enhancement Extension

The evaluation can consist of :

-going to a career fair (if possible)

-practice elevator speech

-writing in their journal

-tell a peer about a job opportunity

-asking about job opportunities



  • Basic Communication
    • Communicate in interpersonal interactions
    • Communicate regarding personal information
  • Community Resources
    • Understand aspects of society and culture
    • Understand how to access and use educational systems and services
    • Use leisure time resources and facilities
  • Consumer Economics
    • Understand how to manage household finances
    • Understand procedures for the care, maintenance, and use of personal possessions
  • Employment
    • Understand basic principles of getting a job
    • Understand concepts and materials related to job performance and training
    • Understand wages, benefits, employee rights, and concepts of employee organizations
  • Independent Living
    • Perform self-care skills
  • Learning and Thinking Skills
    • Demonstrate ability to use critical thinking skills
    • Demonstrate ability to use problem-solving skills
    • Demonstrate study skills
    • Demonstrate the ability to use information and communication technology
    • Demonstrate the ability to view the media critically
    • Identify or demonstrate effective skills and practices in accomplishing goals
    • Understand aspects of and approaches to effective personal management


Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing, AWD, Job readiness, soft skills, communication skills

AI Reference

Co-pilot /Windows
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.