Job Exploration
Activity Description
This activity helps learner's priorize their goals for seeking employment.
- Check the website to ensure it is not blocked at your site.
- Read through the lesson plan.
- Print and make copies of any handouts.
This is a simple presentation of ideas for short and long term goals for job readiness.
Teacher Tips
Hopefully you may have already discussed topics such as,
-how to look for a job
-dress for an interview
-elevator speech/pitch
-job fair /career fair
These goals maybe related to all of those topics.
Program Areas
- AwD: Adults with Disabilities
- Beginning Literacy
Lesson Plan
Instructor would ask these questions:
How many of you like money?
Are any looking for a job?
What can a job do for you?
Following those questions, the instructor can take each question and write it on a whiteboard.
Students can answer and instructor fill in the responses.
In conclusion, the instructor can follow - up with a PPT, about goal setting.
The instructor can present this PPT.
Instructor will follow through on PPT. Always asking for comprehension from students.
The evaluation can consist of :
-going to a career fair (if possible)
-practice elevator speech
-writing in their journal
-tell a peer about a job opportunity
-asking about job opportunities
- Job Exploration LSG.pptx - Job Exploration
- Basic Communication
- Communicate in interpersonal interactions
- Communicate regarding personal information
- Community Resources
- Understand aspects of society and culture
- Understand how to access and use educational systems and services
- Use leisure time resources and facilities
- Consumer Economics
- Understand how to manage household finances
- Understand procedures for the care, maintenance, and use of personal possessions
- Employment
- Understand basic principles of getting a job
- Understand concepts and materials related to job performance and training
- Understand wages, benefits, employee rights, and concepts of employee organizations
- Independent Living
- Perform self-care skills
- Learning and Thinking Skills
- Demonstrate ability to use critical thinking skills
- Demonstrate ability to use problem-solving skills
- Demonstrate study skills
- Demonstrate the ability to use information and communication technology
- Demonstrate the ability to view the media critically
- Identify or demonstrate effective skills and practices in accomplishing goals
- Understand aspects of and approaches to effective personal management