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Google Slides: Introductions Ice-Breaker


Activity Website:
Tech Product/Equipment:
Computer and projector, Mobile devices for students

Activity Description

Public Speaking Icon
Source: Pixabay (License: CC0/Public Domain)

Beginning-level ESL students will complete sentence frames about themselves and will write the sentences on their assigned slide on a shared Google Slideshow with the purpose of breaking the ice and creating community in the first week of class.


  1. Check the website to ensure it is not blocked at your site.
  2. Read through the lesson plan.
  3. Print and make copies of any handouts.

Teacher Tips

A template is provided. Select "make a copy." Delete the sample instructor introduction and add your own.

Make sure that when you share the slideshow that you select "can edit." Ahead of time, add students names to each slide.

You can share the URL with students in an email or by posting on a website or in a course management system, if you use one. If students are working on phones or mobile devices, you can create a QR code for the slideshow to share with them, if a QR code scannner app is installed. You can also use or other URL shortener tool to provide a short URL that is easier for students to type into a browser.

In order to add images, students will need to log in to a Google (Gmail) account. Select "sign in" in the top right corner. If they do not have a Google account, you could ask them to share with you (by email or other means) the images they would like to include.

Note that Google Slides has a version history (in the event that a student accidently changes or deletes a slide).

More Ways

Students with higher-level tech skills can create their own Google Slideshow from scratch.

Program Areas

  • ESL: English as a Second Language


  • Beginning Literacy
  • Beginning Low
  • Beginning High

Lesson Plan

  1. Introduce yourself to the class with the slide you add to the Google Slides template.
  2. (Select "make a copy," enter title slide information and image(s) as desired, delete the sample instructor introduction slide, and include your own).

Tell students that they are going to introduce themselves to the class in a similar way.


Provide the following sentence frames and model multiple ways to complete the sentences eliciting students' answers.

  • Hi! My name is 
  • I am originally from
  • I have lived in the United States since …
  • I work/don’t work. I am a(n) 
  • I like
  • I don’t like
  • In this class, I want to

Note: In a multilevel class with higher-level students or in an intermediate-level class with students who have higher English proficiency and more writing skills, you can differentiate the instruction by having students write complete sentences to the following questions and add more sentences:

  1. What is your name?
  2. Where are you from originally?
  3. How long have you lived in the United States?
  4. Do you work?
  5. What is your occupation/job? 
  6. What are things you like? What are activities you like to do?
  7. What are things you dislike? What are activities you don't like to do?
  8. Why are you taking this class? What is your goal in this class?
  9. What else do you want your classmates and teacher to know about you?
Engagement Enhancement
  1. Have students fill in the sentence frames or answer the questions in complete sentences.
  2. Collect students' writing and have them make corrections based on your feedback.
  3. Have students practice reading their sentences aloud to a classmate.
  4. Circulate and give feedback on pronunciation.

In a computer lab setting or with devices in a classroom, share the URL for the slideshow you have created (from the template provided in this lesson plan or another slideshow). Have students type in their sentences on their assigned slides and insert images.

If students are working on a phone, here is a Google Doc on how to use Google Slides on a phone, which may be helpful: How to Use the Google Slides App on a Phone

Engagement Enhancement

Project the slideshow and have students introduce themselves with their slides. 

After each presentation, ask follow-up questions and invite the students to do so, as well.

As desired, use a simple checklist and/or have students reflect on their performance.


Students will have gained familiarity with Google Slides, if they haven't used it before, and will be able to more confidently use their English to introduce themselves and make oral presentations for an audience.


  • Writing
    • CCR Anchor 4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
    • CCR Anchor 5 - Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
    • CCR Anchor 6 - Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
  • Speaking and Listening
    • CCR Anchor 5 - Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
    • CCR Anchor 6 - Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
  • Language
    • CCR Anchor 1 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
    • CCR Anchor 2 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.


Grammar, Listening, Speaking, Writing, introductions, presentation, community, ice-breaker


Google slides
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.