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Activity Description

Source: ReadWorks (License: Protected by Copyright (c) [i.e. screenshot])

In this activity, students are assigned a reading passage and shown the different tools they can use during the reading. They are then introduced to a Question Set and asked to complete the activity. When the students finish the activity, it is projected so they can see the article and as a class, responses are reviewed.

Readworks is a free, non-profit site focused on improving teacher effectiveness and student achievement in reading comprehension by providing free standards-aligned content, curriculum, and tools based on the highest quality cognitive scientific research on how to learn to read.


1.    Sign up for a ReadWorks teacher’s account

2.    Create a class and enroll students.

3.    Select a passage

4.    Create your own student account so you can experience ReadWorks as a student. This will also give you a student account to display when showing students.

More Ways

There are so many options to choose from the ReadWorks curriculum. If you are teaching ESL, be sure to take a look at the ELL Collection. ABE teachers will want to take a look at the Article-A-Day selections and ASE teachers the Paired Text; although, all text options are appropriate for all levels.

Program Areas

  • ASE: High School Equivalency Preparation

Lesson Plan


Objective: Introduce students to the passage topic and the purpose of the lesson.


    • Begin with a brief discussion about the topic of the passage to activate prior knowledge.
    • Ask students to share what they already know about the topic.
    • Show a short, related video or image to generate interest and provide context.

Objective: Explain the tools and resources available on ReadWorks.


    • Demonstrate how to log into the ReadWorks student account.
    • Project your student account on the screen and navigate through the website.
    • Explain the different tools (e.g., highlighting, annotating, vocabulary aids) and how they can enhance reading comprehension.
    • Allow students to explore these tools on their own devices briefly.
  • Objective: Introduce the selected passage and the Question Set.
  • Activity:
    • Read the passage title and author, then provide a brief summary to set the context.
    • Explain why this passage was chosen, linking it to students' interests or curriculum goals.
    • Introduce the Question Set associated with the passage, outlining the types of questions they will encounter (e.g., multiple-choice, short answer).

Objective: Students read the passage and answer the questions.


    • Allow students time to read the passage independently, using the tools demonstrated earlier.
    • Students complete the Question Set individually or in pairs, discussing their answers with a partner before submitting.
    • Monitor the room to assist as needed.

Other Options:

      • Think-Pair-Share: After reading the passage, students pair up to discuss their answers before sharing with the larger group.
      • Group Discussion: Organize students into small groups to discuss the passage and the questions, then present their group's answers to the class.
      • Peer Review: Students exchange their completed Question Sets with a partner for peer review and discussion.
      • Interactive Polls: Use tools like Mentimeter or Kahoot to create live polls or quizzes based on the passage and questions to engage students in real time.

Objective: Assess students' understanding and discuss the answers.


    • Project the passage and Question Set on the screen.
    • Review each question, asking students to share their answers and reasoning.
    • Discuss different interpretations and clarify any misunderstandings.

Objective: Apply reading comprehension skills to new texts and contexts.


    • Assign a similar passage from ReadWorks for homework or as an in-class assignment.
    • Encourage students to use the tools independently and reflect on how these tools aid their comprehension.
    • Have students write a short summary or response to the new passage, focusing on key ideas and personal reflections.


  • Reasoning Through Language Arts
    • Literary Texts (Fiction, Poetry, Drama)
    • Nonfiction Texts


reading, read, Readworks, article a day, differenciated reading, language arts


Copyright: ReadWorks, Inc. will share passages, question sets, activities, pictures, and logos with you while you are using the Site, but they are not yours to keep. You cannot copy, display, publish, distribute, modify or otherwise use any ReadWorks Content on the site for any purpose.

AI Reference

ChatGPT was used to reformat this lesson.
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.