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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

FDIC: Money Smart- A Financial Education Program


Activity Description

This FDIC curriculum contains both computer-based and instructor-led instruction on basic personal financial management. The curriculum consists of 11 modules on the following topics:

  1. Bank On It: An introduction to bank services
  2. Borrowing Basics: An introduction to credit
  3. Check It Out: How to choose and keep a checking account
  4. Money Matters: How to keep track of your money
  5. Pay Yourself First: Why you should save, save, save
  6. Keep It Safe: Your rights as a consumer
  7. To Your Credit: How your credit history will affect your credit future
  8. Charge It Right: How to make a credit card work for you
  9. Loan To Own: Know what you're borrowing before you buy
  10. Your Own Home: What home ownership is all about
  11. Financial Recovery: How to recover from a financial setback

The computer-based instruction new windowfeatures a game-based learning design and should be used to complement formal classes by providing learning assignments that users can complete at their own pace. The instructor-led curriculum (which must be ordered online and arrives on CD-ROM) includes an instructor's manual, participant's take-home guide, and overheads.

Successful completion of a computer-based module will earn the user a certificate of completion for the module.


  1. Make sure that the Web site is not blocked at your school before using it with students.
  2. Create an account at FDIC Online Product Catalog new window.
  3. Under Search Products, search for "Money Smart Instructor," select and order the Money Smart Instructor-Led (CD-ROM)
  4. Register as a student would to get an account and test that the student computers are able to run the computer-based instruction.
  5. Help students register for an account in the same way. They will need to create a Username and Password as well as choose a Secret Question and provide a secret answer. Have students write down their Username and Password in their notebooks since you will have no access to their account information.
  6. When you receive the CD-ROM in the mail, review the instructor's manual and print out the participant's take-home guide.
  7. Watch the Money Smart Train-the-trainer video new window. It is 34 minutes long.


  1. Open the Example Web Site (above).
  2. Teach the material in module 1 titled "Bank on it" new window.
  3. Have students complete computer-based module 1 and print out their certificate of completion.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for modules 2-11.

More Ways

  • The instructor-led curriculum for adults can be used without the self-paced computer-based instruction. The self-paced computer-based instruction can be used without the instructor-led curriculum, though this is not recommended for an ESL class.

Program Areas

  • ABE: Adult Basic Education


  • High


banking, banks, blended learning, borrow, borrowing, budget, budgeting, buying a home, car loan, car loans, checkbook, checking account, computer-based instruction, consumer rights, credit, credit card, credit cards, credit history, credit report, credit reports, credit score, decrease spending, e-learning, FDIC, FDIC Money Smart, financial education, financial institutions, financial literacy, financial recovery, home equity loan, home ownership, identity theft, increase income, instructor-led curriculum, loan, loans, Money Smart, mortgage, mortgages, online instruction, online learning, opening a checking account, pay yourself first, save, saving, spending, spending plan, tracking money
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.