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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Medline Plus


Activity Description

Medline's Patient Education Institute offers medical information in video and written formats. They are also available in Spanish. The videos require that your Web browser have the Adobe Flash plug-in, version 8 or above, but most current browsers have this feature included. If not, you can download it for free at the Adobe Web site new window.


  1. Preview and evaluate the Web site.
  2. Watch videos on Evaluating Internet Health Information new window and Understanding Medical Words new window (or any other topic you want to cover).
  3. Prepare (or use the attached PowerPoint above) a presentation on how to write a summary. If you use the generic PowerPoint, you can apply a colorful Design background to make it look better and make any other changes that you feel are appropriate.)
  4. Here is a short, three minute YouTube video new window on writing a successful summary in academic English. You may want to show it to your students or the YouTube video referenced as the source of the PowerPoint (above).
  5. Prepare a rubric on summary writing.


  1. Initiate a class discussion on health/medical topics.
  2. Generate list of questions, and decide which topics interest your students the most.
  3. Introduce the Web site. Show how to navigate the site and areas they might be interested in.
  4. Select Videos & Tools to access one of the Health Videos, Surgery Videos, interactive Health Check Tools, or interactive Games.
  5. Assign students/groups to watch the tutorial on Evaluating Internet Health Information new window or Understanding Medical Words new window.
  6. Have students write a summary of what they learned. If desired, use the PowerPoint to cover/review summary writing, or show the YouTube video on summary writing.
  7. You could also have students present what they learned using a presentation tool, such as PowerPoint or Google Presentation.

Teacher Tips

  • Beginning readers can use the videos at this Web site and still be able to participate in class discussions. Make small groups that include beginning readers and intermediate or advanced readers allowing all to participate.

More Ways

  • When medical/health topics come up in discussion, access this site for information.
  • If a news story mentions a health issue, use this Web site for more information about the issue.

Program Areas

  • ABE: Adult Basic Education


  • Low
  • Intermediate
  • High
  • All Levels



  • Reading
    • Health
    • Learning to Learn
    • Vocabulary


anchor video to text, disease, doctor, evaluate, evaluating health information, guessing meaning from context, health, high frequency words, high interest reading material, medical, medical terminology, medicine, Medline Plus, medlineplus, physical fitness, summarize, video
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.